Commit f5477d3a authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold Committed by Tristan Gingold

Remove unused address decoder for pcie

parent 05ce56f0
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# "Source/z091_01_wb_adr_dec.vhd",
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016, MEN Mikro Elektronik GmbH
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-S-2.0+
-- Title : 16z091-01 specific Wishbone bus
-- Project :
-- File : z091_01_wb_adr_dec.vhd
-- Author : Susanne Reinfelder
-- Email :
-- Organization : MEN Mikroelektronik Nuernberg GmbH
-- Created : 2012-12-19
-- Simulator :
-- Synthesis :
-- Description :
-- Special address decoder that can be used with configurations
-- to enable multiple instances of the 16z091-01 IP core
-- that can have their unique address decoder
-- Hierarchy:
-- ip_16z091_01_top
-- ip_16z091_01
-- Hard_IP
-- * z091_01_wb_adr_dec
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity z091_01_wb_adr_dec is
NR_OF_WB_SLAVES : integer range 63 downto 1 := 1
pci_cyc_i : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
wbm_adr_o_q : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
wbm_cyc_o : out std_logic_vector(NR_OF_WB_SLAVES -1 downto 0)
end z091_01_wb_adr_dec;
-- sim_test_arch implements a sample pcie address decoder to enable
-- the simulation iram models
architecture sim_test_arch of z091_01_wb_adr_dec is
signal zero : std_logic_vector(NR_OF_WB_SLAVES -1 downto 0);
zero <= (others => '0');
process(wbm_adr_o_q, pci_cyc_i, zero)
variable wbm_cyc_o_int : std_logic_vector(NR_OF_WB_SLAVES -1 downto 0);
wbm_cyc_o_int := (others => '0');
-- iram 1 - cycle 0 - offset 00000000 - size 1000 --
if pci_cyc_i(0) = '1' then
wbm_cyc_o_int(0) := '1';
wbm_cyc_o_int(0) := '0';
end if;
-- iram 2 - cycle 1 - offset 00000000 - size 2000 --
if pci_cyc_i(1) = '1' then
wbm_cyc_o_int(1) := '1';
wbm_cyc_o_int(1) := '0';
end if;
-- iram 2 - cycle 2 - offset 00000000 - size 1000 --
if pci_cyc_i(2) = '1' then
wbm_cyc_o_int(2) := '1';
wbm_cyc_o_int(2) := '0';
end if;
--if pci_cyc_i /= zero and wbm_cyc_o_int = "000" then
if pci_cyc_i /= "0000000" and wbm_cyc_o_int = zero then
wbm_cyc_o_int(0) := '1';
end if;
wbm_cyc_o <= wbm_cyc_o_int;
end process;
end sim_test_arch;
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