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  • Tom Levens's avatar
    Clean up CR/CSR space · 62b13b5e
    Tom Levens authored
    The CR/CSR space has been cleaned up and reworked. All decoding of the
    addresses has been moved from VME_bus to VME_CR_CSR_Space to make the
    code a bit more structured..
    The option to have a user CR and CSR areas has been added. These are
    external such that they can be implemented by the user.
    The custom CSR registers (IRQ vector/level ...) have been moved to
    VME_User_CSR.vhd. By default (in the xvme64x_core wrapper) this area is
    mapped to 0x7FF33..7FF5F (in the reserved area) in order to maintain
    compatibility with the previous version of the core. However, it can be
    moved using generics to a non-reserved area for new applications. This
    fixes Bug #1353.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTom Levens <>