Commit 5e23c326 authored by dpedrett's avatar dpedrett

Retry cycle termination supported. The WB32or64 register now is called WB32bits; less confusing

git-svn-id: 665b4545-5c6b-4c24-801b-41150b02b44b
parent 9e85a1ee
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ s_BARerror <= not(s_BAR_o(4) or s_BAR_o(3)or s_BAR_o(2) or s_BAR_o(1) or s_BAR_o
if reset = '1' then
s_CSRarray(BAR) <= (others => '0');
s_bar_written <= '0';
for i in 254 downto WB32or64 loop -- Initialization of the CSR memory
for i in 254 downto WB32bits loop -- Initialization of the CSR memory
s_CSRarray(i) <= c_csr_array(i);
end loop;
elsif s_bar_written = '0' and s_odd_parity = '1' then
......@@ -272,17 +272,14 @@ s_BARerror <= not(s_BAR_o(4) or s_BAR_o(3)or s_BAR_o(2) or s_BAR_o(1) or s_BAR_o
when to_integer("00" & c_MBLT_Endian_addr(18 downto 2)) =>
s_CSRarray(MBLT_Endian) <= s_locDataIn(7 downto 0);
when to_integer("00" & c_WB32or64_addr(18 downto 2)) =>
s_CSRarray(WB32or64) <= s_locDataIn(7 downto 0);
when others => null;
end case;
if c_width = 32 then
s_CSRarray(WB32or64) <= x"01";
s_CSRarray(WB32bits) <= x"01";
s_CSRarray(WB32or64) <= x"00";
s_CSRarray(WB32bits) <= x"00";
end if;
reset_flag <= '0';
s_CSRarray(BYTES0) <= unsigned(numBytes(7 downto 0));
......@@ -352,7 +349,7 @@ s_BARerror <= not(s_BAR_o(4) or s_BAR_o(3)or s_BAR_o(2) or s_BAR_o(1) or s_BAR_o
when "00" & c_TIME4_ns_addr(18 downto 2) => s_CSRdata <= s_CSRarray(TIME4_ns);
when "00" & c_BYTES0_addr(18 downto 2) => s_CSRdata <= s_CSRarray(BYTES0);
when "00" & c_BYTES1_addr(18 downto 2) => s_CSRdata <= s_CSRarray(BYTES1);
when "00" & c_WB32or64_addr(18 downto 2) => s_CSRdata <= s_CSRarray(WB32or64);
when "00" & c_WB32bits_addr(18 downto 2) => s_CSRdata <= s_CSRarray(WB32bits);
when others => s_CSRdata <= (others => '0');
end case;
......@@ -380,7 +377,7 @@ s_BARerror <= not(s_BAR_o(4) or s_BAR_o(3)or s_BAR_o(2) or s_BAR_o(1) or s_BAR_o
ModuleEnable <= s_CSRarray(BIT_SET_CLR_REG)(4);
MBLT_Endian_o <= std_logic_vector(s_CSRarray(MBLT_Endian)(2 downto 0));
Sw_Reset <= s_CSRarray(BIT_SET_CLR_REG)(7);
W32 <= s_CSRarray(WB32or64)(0);
W32 <= s_CSRarray(WB32bits)(0);
BAR_o <= s_BAR_o;
s_BAR_o <= std_logic_vector(s_CSRarray(BAR)(7 downto 3));
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ package VME_CR_pack is
16#15# => x"00",
16#16# => x"00",
--Program Id code
16#1F# => x"54",
16#1F# => x"55",
--Offset to BEG_USER_CR
16#20# => x"00",
16#21# => x"00",
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ FUNC6_ADER_3 =>x"00",
IRQ_Vector =>x"00", --"00" because each Slot has a different IRQ Vector
-- and the VME Master should set this value
IRQ_level =>x"02",
WB32or64 =>x"00", -- 32 bit WB of default
WB32bits =>x"01", -- 32 bit WB of default
others => (others => '0'));
end VME_CSR_pack;
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ s_wbData_i <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(wbData_i),s_wbData_i'length));
err <= err_i;
rty <= rty_i;
memAckWb <= memAckWB_i or s_AckWithError;
memAckWb <= memAckWB_i or s_AckWithError or rty_i;
psize_o <= beatCount;
end Behavioral;
......@@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ architecture RTL of VME_bus is
signal s_mainFSMreset : std_logic; -- Resets main FSM on AS r. edge
signal s_dataPhase : std_logic; -- for A64 and multipl. transf.
signal s_transferActive : std_logic; -- active VME transfer
signal s_retry : std_logic; -- RETRY signal
-- signal s_retry : std_logic; -- RETRY signal
signal s_retry_out : std_logic;
signal s_berr : std_logic; -- BERR signal
signal s_berr_1 : std_logic; --
signal s_berr_2 : std_logic; --
......@@ -532,7 +533,7 @@ begin
s_dataToAddrBus <= s_FSM.s_dataToAddrBus;
s_transferActive <= s_FSM.s_transferActive;
s_2eLatchAddr <= s_FSM.s_2eLatchAddr;
s_retry <= s_FSM.s_retry;
s_retry_out <= s_FSM.s_retry;
s_berr <= s_FSM.s_berr;
s_BERR_out <= s_FSM.s_BERR_out;
......@@ -666,8 +667,11 @@ begin
s_FSM.s_addrDir <= (s_is_d64) and VME_WRITE_n_i;
s_FSM.s_dataPhase <= s_dataPhase;
s_FSM.s_transferActive <= '1';
if s_BERRcondition = '0' then
if s_BERRcondition = '0' and s_rty1 = '0' then
s_FSM.s_mainDTACK <= '0';
elsif s_BERRcondition = '0' and s_rty1 = '1' then
s_FSM.s_retry <= '1';
s_FSM.s_BERR_out <= '1';
end if;
......@@ -1000,7 +1004,7 @@ begin
p_RETRYdriver: process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if s_rty1='1' or s_retry ='1' then
if s_retry_out = '1' then
VME_RETRY_n_o <= '0';
VME_RETRY_OE_o <= '1';
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ package vme64x_pack is
-- Constants:
--WB data width:
constant c_width : integer := 64; --must be 32 or 64!
constant c_width : integer := 32; --must be 32 or 64!
--CRAM size in the CR/CSR space (bytes):
constant c_CRAM_SIZE : integer := 1024;
-- remember to set properly the "END_CRAM" register in the CR space
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ package vme64x_pack is
constant TIME4_ns : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -9;
constant BYTES0 : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -10;
constant BYTES1 : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -11;
constant WB32or64 : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -12;
constant WB32bits : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -12;
constant MBLT_Endian : integer := FUNC0_ADER_3 -4;
-- Initialization CR:
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ package vme64x_pack is
constant c_TIME4_ns_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF3f";
constant c_BYTES0_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF3b";
constant c_BYTES1_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF37";
constant c_WB32or64_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF33";
constant c_WB32bits_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF33";
constant c_MBLT_Endian_addr : unsigned(19 downto 0) := x"7FF53"; -- VME64x reserved CSR
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ package vme64x_pack is
type t_FUNC_32b_array_std is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- ADER register array
type t_FUNC_64b_array_std is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- AMCAP register array
type t_FUNC_256b_array_std is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(255 downto 0); -- XAMCAP register array
type t_CSRarray is array(BAR downto WB32or64) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
type t_CSRarray is array(BAR downto WB32bits) of unsigned(7 downto 0);
type t_cr_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- functions
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