Commit fd2b6d66 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

c_headers: Correct GCC warning when we create a 32bits mask.

We can get a warning when trying to shift a 32bits '1' 32 times, so we use a 64bit '1'.
parent 0b711148
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function cgen_c_fileheader()
emit("#ifndef __WBGEN2_MACROS_DEFINED__");
emit("#define __WBGEN2_MACROS_DEFINED__");
emit("#define WBGEN2_GEN_MASK(offset, size) (((1<<(size))-1) << (offset))");
emit("#define WBGEN2_GEN_MASK(offset, size) (((1ULL<<(size))-1) << (offset))");
emit("#define WBGEN2_GEN_WRITE(value, offset, size) (((value) & ((1<<(size))-1)) << (offset))");
emit("#define WBGEN2_GEN_READ(reg, offset, size) (((reg) >> (offset)) & ((1<<(size))-1))");
emit("#define WBGEN2_SIGN_EXTEND(value, bits) (((value) & (1<<bits) ? ~((1<<(bits))-1): 0 ) | (value))");
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