Commit 9d77bd0d authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

Keep track of readme.txt which contains a list of data used for the article.

parent f748525a
This file is a guide and index to the measurement data that are used in the article
"In-situ determination of the fiber Delay Coefficient in time-dissemination networks"
50 km fiber => data_180621_snd (57 measurements, 0.0967317 degrees MaxTempVariation.xlsx)
Reference setup: => data_180625 (31 measurements, 0.0515712 degrees MaxTempVariation.xlsx) data_180621_snd -r data_180625 => data_180621_snd/averaged_ddelay.out
Raw data from data_180621_snd copied into data_180914 (= same data set!)
Note that results slightly (a ~10e-21 effect) differ depending on using python analyze scripts under Windows or under Ubuntu!
In the article the Ubuntu results were used.
### OLD ###fig 3: data_180621_snd/averaged.png
### OLD ###fig 4: data_180621_snd/averaged_alpha.png
### OLD ###Table II: data_180621_snd/averaged_err.out
fig 3: data_180914/averaged.png
fig 4: data_180914/averaged_alpha.png
Table II: data_180914/averaged_err.out
data source: ./ data_180914 -r data_180625 => data_180914/averaged_ddelay.out
### OLD ###Table III: data_180621_snd/result.txt Mean: 932.89774905, StDev: 3.90038933386, StErr: 0.516619187785 however, these are
### OLD ### pure 50 KM wavelength scan measurements while data_180621_snd/averaged.png shows the 1st order fit for these
### OLD ### scans but compensated for the reference setup (directory: data_180625).
Table III, IV:
alpha_sel(l1), alpha_stddev_sel(l1), alpha_3wl(l1), alpha_3wl_stddev(l1), time_err (i.e the calculated time error)
3wl based on section~\ref{sec:Comparing_Sellmeier_and_three_lambda}
data source: p:\App\ASTERICS_Cleopatra_WP5_1\WR_Calibration\wr-calibration\sw\insitu_alpha\data_180914\averaged_err.out
time_meas_3wl, time_meas_3wl_stddev (i.e. PPS diff results)
data source ./ data_180926/181030_15_19_37_DeltaDelay_meas data_180926/181031_09_12_18_DeltaDelay_meas -t 400 -o data_180914_pps
Table V, VI:
alpha_sel(l1), alpha_stddev_sel(l1)
data source: p:\App\ASTERICS_Cleopatra_WP5_1\WR_Calibration\wr-calibration\sw\insitu_alpha\data_180914\averaged_err.out
alpha_3wl(l1), alpha_3wl_stddev(l1)
3wl based on section~\ref{sec:determination_using_three_lambda}
data source: data_180926/180926_15_47_01_3_lambda_insitu_alpha_scan_result.txt
calculated time_error
data source: .\ArticleErrorbarPlots\
=> time_error_result.txt
time_meas_3wl, time_meas_3wl_stddev (i.e. PPS diff results)
data source ./ data_180926/181030_15_19_37_DeltaDelay_meas data_180926/181031_09_12_18_DeltaDelay_meas -t 400 -o data_180914_pps
=> data_180914_pps/190409_11_25_10_DeltaDelayDifference
fig 5:
data source: .\ArticleErrorbarPlots\
=> time_error_small_wavelenfgth_offset.png
fig 6:
data source: .\ArticleErrorbarPlots\
=> time_error_full_cband.png
Based on Alphas: data_180621_snd/averaged_ddelay.out
Combine 50 km fiber data_180627 -r 20 and data_180629 -r 80 into data_180629_combined (100 measurements)
Combine Reference setup data_180626 -r 20 and data_180703 -r 80 into data_180703_combined (100 measurements)
Calc_diff output PPS diff results in Excell:
### OLD ###data_180703_combined/180709_12_17_22_DeltaDelayDifference.xlsx
Fiber spool CRTT temperature dependency: data_180925/180925_09_49_05_180926_09_22_12_crtt_vs_temp.xlsx
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