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  • Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    modifed the internal buffer of rx streamer to output valid data only when valid_o is HIGH · 2e23cac3
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    Before, the output data would be maintained after to valid_o goes LOW. this causes two problems
    - main problem: if there is only single output word, rx_first_p1_o and rx_last_p1_o are
      maintained HIGH, they are generally expected to be pulses
    - side problem: the data is maintained - it is OK, but it is supposed to be valid anyway
      only when valid_o is HIGH
    So, now the data_o is set to zeros when valid is not HIGH. this should prevent
    anyone from relying on the fact that data is maintaned after valid_o goes LOW and
    it makes rx_first_p1_o and rx_last_p1_o to be pulses