Commit 0c1b0fb9 authored by Mathias Kreider's avatar Mathias Kreider

TluV2: fixed address bug in control interface

parent bf55c5c2
......@@ -29,12 +29,13 @@
--! ***** make sure to keep cycle line HI while manipulating 0x5C - 0x74
--! 0x5C, wo writing anything here will pop selected channel
--! 0x60, ro, fifo fill count
--! 0x64, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count High word
--! 0x68, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count Low word
--! 0x6C, ro, fifo q - Sub cycle word
--! 0x70, rw, MSI msg to be sent
--! 0x74, rw, MSI adr to send to
--! 0x60, wo, Test selected channel
--! 0x64, ro, fifo fill count
--! 0x68, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count High word
--! 0x6c, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count Low word
--! 0x70, ro, fifo q - Sub cycle word
--! 0x74, rw, MSI msg to be sent
--! 0x78, rw, MSI adr to send to
--! @author Mathias Kreider <>
......@@ -119,8 +120,6 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_tlu is
for i in input'left downto 0 loop
if input(i) = '0' then
result := result + 1;
return std_logic_vector(result);
end if;
end loop;
return std_logic_vector(result);
......@@ -166,6 +165,10 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_tlu is
signal trigger_active_ref_clk : channels;
signal trigger_edge_ref_clk : channels;
signal s_adr : unsigned(7 downto 0);
attribute syn_keep: boolean;
attribute syn_keep of s_adr: signal is true;
......@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_tlu is
constant c_STAT : natural := 0; --0x00, ro, fifo n..0 status (0 empty, 1 ne)
constant c_CLR : natural := c_STAT +4; --0x04, wo, Clear channels n..0
constant c_TEST : natural := c_CLR +4; --0x08, ro, trigger n..0 status
constant c_ACT_GET : natural := c_TEST +4; --0x08, ro, trigger n..0 status
constant c_ACT_GET : natural := c_TEST +4; --0x0C, ro, trigger n..0 status
constant c_ACT_SET : natural := c_ACT_GET +4; --0x10, wo, Activate trigger n..0
constant c_ACT_CLR : natural := c_ACT_SET +4; --0x14, wo, deactivate trigger n..0
constant c_EDG_GET : natural := c_ACT_CLR +4; --0x18, ro, trigger n..0 latch edge (1 pos, 0 neg)
......@@ -197,13 +200,13 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_tlu is
constant c_CH_SEL : natural := c_TC_LO +4; --0x58, rw, channels select
-- ***** CAREFUL! From here on, all addresses depend on channels select Reg !
constant c_TS_POP : natural := c_CH_SEL +4; --0x5C, wo writing anything here will pop selected channel
constant c_TS_TEST : natural := c_TS_POP +4; --0x60, wo, Test channels n..0
constant c_TS_TEST : natural := c_TS_POP +4; --0x60, wo, Test selected channel
constant c_TS_CNT : natural := c_TS_TEST +4; --0x64, ro, fifo fill count
constant c_TS_HI : natural := c_TS_CNT +4; --0x68, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count Hi
constant c_TS_LO : natural := c_TS_HI +4; --0x68, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count Lo
constant c_TS_SUB : natural := c_TS_LO +4; --0x6C, ro, fifo q - Sub cycle word
constant c_TS_MSG : natural := c_TS_SUB +4; --0x70, rw, MSI msg to be sent
constant c_TS_DST_ADR: natural := c_TS_MSG +4; --0x74, rw, MSI adr to send to
constant c_TS_LO : natural := c_TS_HI +4; --0x6C, ro, fifo q - Cycle Count Lo
constant c_TS_SUB : natural := c_TS_LO +4; --0x70, ro, fifo q - Sub cycle word
constant c_TS_MSG : natural := c_TS_SUB +4; --0x74, rw, MSI msg to be sent
constant c_TS_DST_ADR: natural := c_TS_MSG +4; --0x78, rw, MSI adr to send to
signal r_rst_n : std_logic;
signal r_csl : t_wishbone_data;
......@@ -232,6 +235,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
r_corrected_time_1 <= tm_tai_cyc_i;
r_corrected_time_2 <= r_corrected_time_1;
r_corrected_time_3 <= r_corrected_time_2;
end if;
end process sub_time_delay;
......@@ -342,10 +346,13 @@ begin -- behavioral
edge_sel : with trigger_edge_ref_clk(i) select
subcycle(i) <= triggers_neg_edge_synced(i) when '1',
triggers_pos_edge_synced(i) when others;
sub_aux(i) <= f_deser2ns(subcycle(i));
triggers_pos_edge_synced(i) when others;
sub_aux(i) <= f_deser2ns(subcycle(i));
tm_fifo_in(i) <= r_corrected_time_3 & sub_aux(i);
tm_fifo_in(i) <= r_corrected_time_3 & sub_aux(i);
we(i) <= '1' when trigger_active_ref_clk(i) = '1' and (unsigned(subcycle(i)) /= 0)
else '0';
......@@ -369,6 +376,8 @@ begin -- behavioral
ctrl_slave_o.err <= r_c_err;
ctrl_slave_o.dat <= r_c_dato;
s_adr <= unsigned(ctrl_slave_i.adr(7 downto 2)) & "00";
variable v_ch_sl : natural range g_num_triggers-1 downto 0;
variable v_en, v_we : std_logic;
......@@ -390,11 +399,11 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- Fire and Forget Registers
v_en := ctrL_slave_i.cyc and ctrl_slave_i.stb;
v_adr := to_integer(unsigned(ctrl_slave_i.adr(7 downto 2)) & "00");
v_en := ctrl_slave_i.cyc and ctrl_slave_i.stb;
v_adr := to_integer(s_adr);
v_we := ctrl_slave_i.we;
v_dati := ctrL_slave_i.dat;
v_sel := ctrL_slave_i.sel;
v_dati := ctrl_slave_i.dat;
v_sel := ctrl_slave_i.sel;
r_c_ack <= '0';
r_c_err <= '0';
......@@ -167,46 +167,46 @@ begin
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_EDG_NEG, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000002"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_MSK_SET, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_IE, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_ACT_SET, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_EDG_NEG, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000002"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_MSK_SET, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_IE, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_ACT_SET, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
for i in 0 to c_num_triggers-1 loop
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_CH_SEL, 32)), x"F", '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32))); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_MSG, 32)), x"F", '1', x"abcd" & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 16)) ); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_DST_ADR, 32)), x"F", '1', x"1234" & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 16)) ); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_CH_SEL, 32)), x"F", '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32))); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_MSG, 32)), x"F", '1', x"abcd" & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 16)) ); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_DST_ADR, 32)), x"F", '1', x"1234" & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 16)) ); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
end loop;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"000000FF"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"000000FF"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000007F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000007F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000003F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000003F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000001F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000001F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000000F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"0000000F"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000007"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000003"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000003"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TEST, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
wait for v_T*9;
......@@ -235,29 +235,29 @@ begin
wait for v_T*2;
s_triggers <= (x"00", x"00", x"00");
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_STAT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_STAT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
report "FIFO Status before:" severity warning;
for i in 0 to c_num_triggers-1 loop
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_CH_SEL, 32)), x"F", '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32))); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_CNT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_CH_SEL, 32)), x"F", '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32))); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_CNT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000");
v_cnt := to_integer(unsigned(s_ctrl_o.dat));
wait for v_T;
while v_cnt /= 0 loop
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_HI, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_LO, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_SUB, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_POP, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_HI, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_LO, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_SUB, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_POP, 32)), x"F", '1', x"00000001"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for 3*v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_TS_CNT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_TS_CNT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
v_cnt := to_integer(unsigned(s_ctrl_o.dat));
s_ctrl_i <= ('0', '0', x"00000000", x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
end loop;
end loop;
wait for v_T*9;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_STAT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
s_ctrl_i <= ('1', '1', std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(16#100# + c_STAT, 32)), x"F", '0', x"00000000"); wait for v_T;
report "FIFO Status after:" severity warning;
wait until rst_n = '0';
end process;
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