Commit 0f976efa authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

wr_endpoint/pfilter: eof or error shouldn't overwrite pfilter decision if it was already made

When it was doing that, for short frames pclass and drop_o were zeroed
and U_match_buffer was not getting correct values.
parent 1965a1aa
......@@ -331,7 +331,8 @@ begin -- behavioral
done_int <= '0';
drop_o <= '0';
pclass_o <= (others => '0');
elsif((stage2 = '1' and insn.fin = '1') or snk_fab_i.error = '1' or snk_fab_i.eof = '1') then
elsif( (stage2 = '1' and insn.fin = '1') or
((snk_fab_i.error = '1' or snk_fab_i.eof = '1') and done_int = '0') ) then
done_int <= '1';
pclass_o <= regs(31 downto 24);
drop_o <= regs(23);
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