Commit 162ca909 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[board/common] update f_find_default_lm32_firmware() & default LM32 binary paths

- for the upcoming release, user must provide path to the  default/release
  bitstream, i.e. <wr-cores location>/bin/wrpc - this information will be
  printed with error
- for future, once we figure out how to get absolute path, the funciton
  and constants for paths are already prepared
parent ad3038a2
......@@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ package wr_board_pkg is
type t_board_fabric_iface is (PLAIN, STREAMERS, ETHERBONE, always_last_invalid);
constant dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8 : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8.mif";
constant dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8 : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8.bram";
constant dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8_sim : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8_sim.mif";
constant dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8_sim : string := "../../bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8_sim.bram";
-- TODO: using these default paths requires absolute path. If relative path is used,
-- they work only for reference designs by chance. Once we figure out how to
-- automatically figure out absolute path of <wr-cores location>/bin/wrpc, we
-- will be able to use this concept in f_find_default_lm32_firmware()
constant dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8 : string := "";
constant dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8 : string := "";
constant dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8_sim : string := "";
constant dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8_sim : string := "";
procedure f_check_fabric_iface_type (
constant iface_type : in t_board_fabric_iface);
......@@ -269,25 +273,44 @@ package body wr_board_pkg is
pcs_16_bit : boolean)
return string is
if((dpram_initf = "default_altera" or dpram_initf = "default_xilinx") and pcs_16_bit = TRUE) then
if((dpram_initf = "default_altera" or dpram_initf = "default_xilinx") and
pcs_16_bit = TRUE) then
assert FALSE
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] No release binary for pcs_16_bit." severity error;
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] No release binary for " &
"pcs_16_bit." severity failure;
return "";
elsif (simulation = 0 and dpram_initf = "default_altera" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE) then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware (altera, phy8)." severity note;
elsif (dpram_initf /= "default_altera" and dpram_initf /= "default_xilinx") then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using user-provided LM32 " &
"firmware ("&dpram_initf&")." severity note;
return dpram_initf;
elsif (simulation = 0 and dpram_initf = "default_altera" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE and
dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8 /="") then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware " &
"(altera, phy8)." severity note;
return dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8;
elsif (simulation = 0 and dpram_initf = "default_xilinx" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE) then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware (xilnix, phy8)." severity note;
elsif (simulation = 0 and dpram_initf = "default_xilinx" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE and
dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8 /="") then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware " &
"(xilnix, phy8)" severity note;
return dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8;
elsif (simulation = 1 and dpram_initf = "default_altera" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE) then
report "Board:[Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware (altera, phy8, sim)." severity note;
elsif (simulation = 1 and dpram_initf = "default_altera" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE and
dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8_sim /="") then
report "Board:[Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware " &
"(altera, phy8, sim)." severity note;
return dpram_initf_default_altera_phy8_sim;
elsif (simulation = 1 and dpram_initf = "default_xilinx" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE) then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware (xilinx, phy8, sim)." severity note;
elsif (simulation = 1 and dpram_initf = "default_xilinx" and pcs_16_bit = FALSE and
dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8_sim /="") then
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using release LM32 firmware " &
"(xilinx, phy8, sim)." severity note;
return dpram_initf_default_xilinx_phy8_sim;
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Using user-provided LM32 firmware ("&dpram_initf&")." severity note;
return dpram_initf;
assert FALSE
report "[Board:Software for LM32 in WR Core] Default inclussion of LM32" &
"binary with software is not supported yet. In your instantiation" &
"of the board (xwrc_board_{spec,svec,vfchd} set g_dpram_initf to the" &
"correct path, i.e." &
"<your wr-cores location>/bin/wrpc/wrc_phy8_sim.{bram, mif} " severity failure;
return "";
end if;
end function;
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