Commit 44adb846 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

simulation_models: WB Fabric definitions: synced OOB types with VHDL package

parent bbf0b663
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ const bit [2:0] WRF_DATA = 3'b000;
const bit [2:0] WRF_OOB = 3'b010;
const bit [2:0] WRF_USER = 3'b110;
const bit [3:0] WRF_OOB_TX_FID = 4'b0000;
const bit [3:0] WRF_OOB_RX_TIMESTAMP = 4'b0001;
const bit [3:0] WRF_OOB_TX_FID = 4'b0001;
const bit [3:0] WRF_OOB_RX_TIMESTAMP = 4'b0000;
`endif // `ifndef __WB_FABRIC_DEFS_SVH
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