Commit 479c1ff2 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

top/vfchd: Introduce VFC-HD reference design

parent 7eaac3d8
target = "altera"
action = "synthesis"
syn_family = "Arria V"
syn_device = "5agxmb1g4f"
syn_grade = "c4"
syn_package = "40"
syn_top = "vfchd_wr_ref_top"
syn_project = "vfchd_wr_ref"
syn_tool = "quartus"
quartus_preflow = "quartus_preflow.tcl"
files = [
modules = {
"local" : [
# Quartus II: Tcl Preflow File for VFC-HD WR PTP core reference design
# Load Quartus II Tcl Project package
package require ::quartus::project
# Borrowed and adjusted from GSI bel-projects
proc qmegawiz {files} {
set dir [file dirname [info script]]
post_message "Testing for megawizard regeneration in $dir:$files"
set device [ get_global_assignment -name DEVICE ]
set family [ get_global_assignment -name FAMILY ]
foreach i $files {
if {![file exists "$dir/$i.qip"] || [file mtime "$dir/$i.txt"] > [file mtime "$dir/$i.qip"]} {
post_message -type info "Regenerating $i using qmegawiz"
file delete "$dir/$i.qip"
file copy -force "$dir/$i.txt" "$dir/$i.vhd"
set sf [open "| qmegawiz -silent \"-defaultfamily:$family\" \"-defaultdevice:$device\" \"$dir/$i.vhd\" " "r"]
while {[gets $sf line] >= 0} { post_message -type info "$line" }
if {[catch {close $sf} err]} {
post_message -type error "Executing qmegawiz: $err"
exit 1
if {![file exists "$dir/$i.qip"]} {
post_message -type error "Executing qmegawiz: did not create $dir/$i.qip!"
exit 1
file mtime "$dir/$i.qip" [file mtime "$dir/$i.vhd"]
set_global_assignment -name QIP_FILE "$dir/$i.qip"
# procedure to delete an existing global assignment
proc del_global_assignment {name value} {
set_global_assignment -name $name -remove $value
# procedure to check if signal is input
proc is_input {signal} {
return [regexp -nocase {.+_i(\[[0123456789]+\])?$} $signal]
# simple procedure to take care of location assignments
proc loc {pin signal {iostandard "default"} {pullup "off"}} {
set_location_assignment "PIN_${pin}" -to $signal
if {![string equal $iostandard "default"]} {
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD $iostandard -to $signal
} else {
set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "2.5 V" -to $signal
set_instance_assignment -name CURRENT_STRENGTH_NEW 12MA -to $signal
if {![is_input $signal]} {
set_instance_assignment -name SLEW_RATE 1 -to $signal
if {![string equal $pullup "off"]} {
set_instance_assignment -name WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR ON -to $signal
post_message "Executing WR VFC-HD reference design pre-flow script"
set project_name "vfchd_wr_ref"
set make_assignments 0
# Make sure that the right project is open
if {[is_project_open]} {
if {[string compare $quartus(project) $project_name]} {
project_open $project_name
} else {
project_open $project_name
# Remove unused megafunctions to reduce number of warnings
del_global_assignment QIP_FILE "../../ip_cores/general-cores/platform/altera/networks/arria5_networks.qip"
del_global_assignment QIP_FILE "../../ip_cores/general-cores/platform/altera/wb_pcie/arria5_pcie.qip"
# Regenerate required megafunctions if necessary
source ../../platform/altera/wr_arria5_phy/wr_arria5_phy.tcl
source ../../platform/altera/wr_arria5_pll_default/wr_arria5_pll_default.tcl
# Global assignments
set_global_assignment -name IO_PLACEMENT_OPTIMIZATION ON
# I/O configuration
loc AW25 areset_n_i
loc AF8 clk_board_125m_i "LVDS"
loc AD20 clk_board_20m_i
loc AF25 dac_dmtd_sync_n_o
loc AC24 dac_ref_sync_n_o
loc AH26 dac_sclk_o
loc AG26 dac_din_o
loc AE1 sfp_rx_i "1.5-V PCML"
loc AD3 sfp_tx_o "1.5-V PCML"
loc AN25 i2c_mux_sda_b
loc AM25 i2c_mux_scl_b
loc AT26 io_exp_irq_bsteth_n_i "default" "on"
loc AK25 io_exp_irq_los_n_i "default" "on"
loc AD26 eeprom_sda_b
loc AH25 eeprom_scl_b
loc AV27 onewire_b
loc AW28 vme_write_n_i
loc AW30 vme_lword_n_b
loc AK21 vme_iackout_n_o
loc AM21 vme_iackin_n_i
loc AN21 vme_iack_n_i
loc AL22 vme_dtack_oe_o
loc AP22 vme_ds_n_i[0]
loc AN22 vme_ds_n_i[1]
loc AW20 vme_data_oe_n_o
loc AW19 vme_data_dir_o
loc AE29 vme_as_n_i
loc AK27 vme_addr_oe_n_o
loc AJ27 vme_addr_dir_o
loc AK22 vme_irq_n_o[1]
loc AT21 vme_irq_n_o[2]
loc AR21 vme_irq_n_o[3]
loc AH22 vme_irq_n_o[4]
loc AG22 vme_irq_n_o[5]
loc AU20 vme_irq_n_o[6]
loc AT20 vme_irq_n_o[7]
loc AD24 vme_data_b[0]
loc AD23 vme_data_b[1]
loc AU24 vme_data_b[2]
loc AT24 vme_data_b[3]
loc AL24 vme_data_b[4]
loc AK24 vme_data_b[5]
loc AF24 vme_data_b[6]
loc AE24 vme_data_b[7]
loc AH24 vme_data_b[8]
loc AG24 vme_data_b[9]
loc AW24 vme_data_b[10]
loc AW23 vme_data_b[11]
loc AP24 vme_data_b[12]
loc AN24 vme_data_b[13]
loc AU23 vme_data_b[14]
loc AT23 vme_data_b[15]
loc AP23 vme_data_b[16]
loc AN23 vme_data_b[17]
loc AE23 vme_data_b[18]
loc AD22 vme_data_b[19]
loc AL23 vme_data_b[20]
loc AK23 vme_data_b[21]
loc AU22 vme_data_b[22]
loc AT22 vme_data_b[23]
loc AW22 vme_data_b[24]
loc AV22 vme_data_b[25]
loc AW21 vme_data_b[26]
loc AV21 vme_data_b[27]
loc AH23 vme_data_b[28]
loc AG23 vme_data_b[29]
loc AF22 vme_data_b[30]
loc AE22 vme_data_b[31]
loc AD29 vme_am_i[0]
loc AH30 vme_am_i[1]
loc AG30 vme_am_i[2]
loc AV31 vme_am_i[3]
loc AU31 vme_am_i[4]
loc AW31 vme_am_i[5]
loc AL30 vme_addr_b[1]
loc AK30 vme_addr_b[2]
loc AT30 vme_addr_b[3]
loc AR30 vme_addr_b[4]
loc AV30 vme_addr_b[5]
loc AU30 vme_addr_b[6]
loc AU29 vme_addr_b[7]
loc AT29 vme_addr_b[8]
loc AP30 vme_addr_b[9]
loc AN30 vme_addr_b[10]
loc AP29 vme_addr_b[11]
loc AN29 vme_addr_b[12]
loc AC29 vme_addr_b[13]
loc AB29 vme_addr_b[14]
loc AG28 vme_addr_b[15]
loc AF28 vme_addr_b[16]
loc AL29 vme_addr_b[17]
loc AK29 vme_addr_b[18]
loc AJ28 vme_addr_b[19]
loc AH28 vme_addr_b[20]
loc AE28 vme_addr_b[21]
loc AD28 vme_addr_b[22]
loc AB28 vme_addr_b[23]
loc AB27 vme_addr_b[24]
loc AM28 vme_addr_b[25]
loc AD27 vme_addr_b[26]
loc AC27 vme_addr_b[27]
loc AR28 vme_addr_b[28]
loc AP28 vme_addr_b[29]
loc AV28 vme_addr_b[30]
loc AU28 vme_addr_b[31]
loc AM27 fmc_enable_n_o
loc C20 dio_led_term_o
loc D20 dio_led_out_o
loc M27 dio1_i "LVDS"
loc AK34 dio5_clk_i
loc R26 dio1_oe_n_o
loc C28 dio5_oe_n_o
loc T27 dio1_term_en_o
loc C27 dio5_term_en_o
loc AL26 vfchd_gpio3_o
loc AV24 vfchd_gpio4_o
# Commit assignments
post_message "WR VFC-HD reference design pre-flow script execution complete"
# Clock inputs
create_clock -name clk_10m_ext -period 100.0 [get_ports dio5_clk_i]
create_clock -name clk_125m -period 8.0 [get_ports clk_board_125m_i]
create_clock -name clk_20m -period 50.0 [get_ports clk_board_20m_i]
# Derive the PLL Output clocks automatically
# splitting of PHY clocks based on pexarria5 project from GSI
set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
-group { clk_10m_ext \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_ext_ref_pll|* } \
-group { clk_125m \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_sys_clk_pll|*|general[0]* \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_sys_clk_pll|*|general[1]* } \
-group { clk_20m \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_dmtd_clk_pll|* } \
-group { cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*.cdr_refclk* \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*.cmu_pll.* \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*|av_tx_pma|* \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*|inst_av_pcs|*|tx* } \
-group { cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*|clk90bdes \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*|clk90b \
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd|cmp_xwrc_platform|*cmp_phy|*|rcvdclkpma }
# False paths from/to all otherwise unconstrained I/O
set_false_path -from [get_ports *]
set_false_path -to [get_ports *]
fetchto = "../../ip_cores"
files = [
modules = {
"local" : [
"git" : [
//################################## Module Information ##################################\\
// Company: CERN (BE-BI)
// File Name: I2cExpAndMuxMaster.v
// File versions history:
// - <date> <version> Andrea Boccardi <description>
// Language: Verilog 2005
// Description:
// The requests are level sensitive and accepted when the module is not busy.
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module I2cExpAndMuxMaster
//==================================== Global Parameters ===================================\\
#( parameter g_SclHalfPeriod = 10'd256)
//======================================== I/O ports =======================================\\
//==== Clocks & Resets ====\\
input Clk_ik,
input Rst_irq,
//==== Access requests ====\\
// IO Expanders parameters:
input IoExpWrReq_i,
output reg IoExpWrOn_oq,
input IoExpRdReq_i,
output reg IoExpRdOn_oq,
input [2:0] IoExpAddr_ib3,
input [1:0] IoExpRegAddr_ib2,
input [7:0] IoExpData_ib8,
// I2C Mux parameters:
input I2cSlaveWrReq_i,
output reg I2cSlaveWrOn_o,
input I2cSlaveRdReq_i,
output reg I2cSlaveRdOn_o,
input I2cMuxAddress_i,
input [1:0] I2cMuxChannel_ib2,
input [6:0] I2cSlaveAddr_ib7,
input [7:0] I2cSlaveRegAddr_ib8,
input [7:0] I2cSlaveByte_ib8,
// Status and results:
output reg Busy_o,
output reg NewByteRead_op,
output reg [7:0] ByteOut_ob8,
output reg AckError_op,
//==== I2C Bus ====\\
inout Scl_ioz,
inout Sda_ioz
//======================================= Declarations =====================================\\
//==== Local parameters ====\\
// FSM:
localparam s_Idle = 4'h0,
s_FetchCommand = 4'h1,
s_StartExecution = 4'h2,
s_StartSda1 = 4'h3,
s_StartScl1 = 4'h4,
s_StartSda0 = 4'h5,
s_StartScl0 = 4'h6,
s_SendScl0 = 4'h7,
s_SendScl1 = 4'h8,
s_GetScl0 = 4'h9,
s_GetScl1 = 4'ha,
s_StopSda0 = 4'hb,
s_StopScl1 = 4'hc,
s_StopSda1 = 4'hd;
// Command sequence ROM:
localparam c_IoExpWriteSeq = 3'd0,
c_IoExpReadSeq = 3'd1,
c_I2cSlaveRead = 3'd2,
c_I2cSlaveWrite = 3'd3;
// Commands:
localparam c_SendStartBit = 3'd1,
c_SendStopBit = 3'd2,
c_SendByte = 3'd3,
c_GetByte = 3'd4,
c_GoToIdle = 3'b0;
//==== Wires & Regs ====\\
// FSM
reg [3:0] State_qb4, NextState_ab4;
// Support Logic
reg [2:0] Command_b3;
reg [9:0] SclCounter_c10;
reg [3:0] BitCounter_c4;
reg SclOe_e, SdaOe_e;
reg I2CAck;
reg [7:0] ShReg_b8;
reg [2:0] ActiveSequence_b3;
// Command Sequences
reg [3:0] CommandPointer_c4;
reg [10:0] IoExpWriteSeq_b11, IoExpReadSeq_b11;
reg [2:0] IoExpAddr_qb3;
reg [1:0] IoExpRegAddr_qb2;
reg [7:0] IoExpData_qb8;
reg [10:0] I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11, I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11;
reg I2cMuxAddress_q;
reg [1:0] I2cMuxChannel_qb2;
reg [6:0] I2cSlaveAddr_qb7;
reg [7:0] I2cSlaveRegAddr_qb8;
reg [7:0] I2cSlaveByte_qb8;
//======================================= User Logic =======================================\\
//==== I2C command's sequences ====\\
// Writing a value in a register of one IO expander
always @(posedge Clk_ik) case(CommandPointer_c4)
4'd0: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'd1: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 4'b0100, IoExpAddr_qb3, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in write mode
4'd2: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'b0, IoExpRegAddr_qb2}; //Comment: Writing the Register address
4'd3: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, IoExpData_qb8}; //Comment: Writing the Register Value
4'd4: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
default: IoExpWriteSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GoToIdle, 8'h0};
// Reading a value from a register of one IO expander
always @(posedge Clk_ik) case(CommandPointer_c4)
4'd0: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'd1: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 4'b0100, IoExpAddr_qb3, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in write mode
4'd2: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'b0, IoExpRegAddr_qb2}; //Comment: Writing the Register address
4'd3: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0}; //Comment: Repeated start (new cycle)
4'd4: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 4'b0100, IoExpAddr_qb3, 1'b1}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in read mode
4'd5: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GetByte, 8'h1}; //Comment: Read of the last Byte (single read)
4'd6: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
default: IoExpReadSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GoToIdle, 8'h0};
// Reading a register from a device attached to a I2C mux
always @(posedge Clk_ik) case(CommandPointer_c4)
4'h0: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'h1: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'h38, I2cMuxAddress_q, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the I2C Mux in Write mode
4'h2: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 5'b0, 1'b1, I2cMuxChannel_qb2}; //Comment: Enabling the desired channel
4'h3: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
4'h4: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'h5: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveAddr_qb7, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in write mode
4'h6: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveRegAddr_qb8}; //Comment: Writing the Register address
4'h7: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0}; //Comment: Repeated start (new cycle)
4'h8: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveAddr_qb7, 1'b1}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in read mode
4'h9: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GetByte, 8'h1}; //Comment: Read of the last Byte (single read)
4'ha: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
4'hb: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'hc: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'h38, I2cMuxAddress_q, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the I2C Mux in Write mode
4'hd: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 5'b0, 3'b0}; //Comment: Disabling all channels
4'he: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
default: I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GoToIdle, 8'h0};
// Writing a register from a device attached to a I2C mux
always @(posedge Clk_ik) case(CommandPointer_c4)
4'h0: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'h1: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'h38, I2cMuxAddress_q, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the I2C Mux in Write mode
4'h2: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 5'b0, 1'b1, I2cMuxChannel_qb2}; //Comment: Enabling the desired channel
4'h3: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
4'h4: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'h5: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveAddr_qb7, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the Slave in write mode
4'h6: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveRegAddr_qb8}; //Comment: Writing the Register address
4'h7: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, I2cSlaveByte_qb8}; //Comment: Sending the byte
4'h8: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
4'h9: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStartBit, 8'h0};
4'ha: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 6'h38, I2cMuxAddress_q, 1'b0}; //Comment: Selection of the I2C Mux in Write mode
4'hb: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendByte, 5'b0, 3'b0}; //Comment: Disabling all channels
4'hc: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_SendStopBit, 8'h0};
default: I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11 <= #1 {c_GoToIdle, 8'h0};
//==== State Machine ====\\
always @(posedge Clk_ik) State_qb4 <= #1 Rst_irq ? s_Idle : NextState_ab4;
always @* begin
NextState_ab4 = State_qb4;
// Waiting for a request
s_Idle: if (~Busy_o&&(IoExpWrReq_i || IoExpRdReq_i || I2cSlaveWrReq_i || I2cSlaveRdReq_i)) NextState_ab4 = s_FetchCommand;
// Fetching and decoding the command
s_FetchCommand: NextState_ab4 = s_StartExecution;
s_StartExecution: if (Command_b3 == c_SendStartBit) NextState_ab4 = s_StartSda1;
else if (Command_b3 == c_SendByte) NextState_ab4 = s_SendScl0;
else if (Command_b3 == c_GetByte) NextState_ab4 = s_GetScl0;
else if (Command_b3 == c_SendStopBit) NextState_ab4 = s_StopSda0;
else if (Command_b3 == c_GoToIdle) NextState_ab4 = s_Idle;
// Start bit sequence
s_StartSda1: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_StartScl1;
s_StartScl1: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_StartSda0;
s_StartSda0: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_StartScl0;
s_StartScl0: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_FetchCommand;
// Byte sending sequence
s_SendScl0: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = (BitCounter_c4==4'd9) ? s_FetchCommand : s_SendScl1;
s_SendScl1: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_SendScl0;
// Byte getting sequence
s_GetScl0 : if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = (BitCounter_c4==4'd9) ? s_FetchCommand : s_GetScl1;
s_GetScl1 : if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_GetScl0;
// Stop bit sequence
s_StopSda0: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_StopScl1;
s_StopScl1: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_StopSda1;
s_StopSda1: if (SclCounter_c10 == g_SclHalfPeriod) NextState_ab4 = s_FetchCommand;
// Protection from bad state condition
default: NextState_ab4 = s_Idle;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
if (Rst_irq) begin
BitCounter_c4 <= #1 4'b0;
SclCounter_c10 <= #1 10'b0;
I2CAck <= #1 1'b0;
ShReg_b8 <= #1 8'b0;
Command_b3 <= #1 3'b0;
CommandPointer_c4 <= #1 4'h0;
ActiveSequence_b3 <= #1 3'b0;
ByteOut_ob8 <= #1 8'b0;
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
Busy_o <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpWrOn_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpRdOn_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveWrOn_o <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveRdOn_o <= #1 1'b0;
NewByteRead_op <= #1 1'b0;
end else case(State_qb4)
// Waiting for a request
s_Idle : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
CommandPointer_c4 <= #1 4'h0;
IoExpWrOn_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpRdOn_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveWrOn_o <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveRdOn_o <= #1 1'b0;
Busy_o <= #1 1'b0;
NewByteRead_op <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != s_Idle) begin
AckError_op <= #1 1'b0;
Busy_o <= #1 1'b1;
if (IoExpWrReq_i) begin
ActiveSequence_b3 <= #1 c_IoExpWriteSeq;
IoExpWrOn_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpAddr_qb3 <= #1 IoExpAddr_ib3;
IoExpRegAddr_qb2 <= #1 IoExpRegAddr_ib2;
IoExpData_qb8 <= #1 IoExpData_ib8;
end else if (IoExpRdReq_i) begin
ActiveSequence_b3 <= #1 c_IoExpReadSeq;
IoExpRdOn_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpAddr_qb3 <= #1 IoExpAddr_ib3;
IoExpRegAddr_qb2 <= #1 IoExpRegAddr_ib2;
end else if (I2cSlaveWrReq_i) begin
ActiveSequence_b3 <= #1 c_I2cSlaveWrite;
I2cSlaveWrOn_o <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxAddress_q <= #1 I2cMuxAddress_i;
I2cMuxChannel_qb2 <= #1 I2cMuxChannel_ib2;
I2cSlaveAddr_qb7 <= #1 I2cSlaveAddr_ib7;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_qb8 <= #1 I2cSlaveRegAddr_ib8;
I2cSlaveByte_qb8 <= #1 I2cSlaveByte_ib8;
end else if (I2cSlaveRdReq_i) begin
ActiveSequence_b3 <= #1 c_I2cSlaveRead;
I2cSlaveRdOn_o <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxAddress_q <= #1 I2cMuxAddress_i;
I2cMuxChannel_qb2 <= #1 I2cMuxChannel_ib2;
I2cSlaveAddr_qb7 <= #1 I2cSlaveAddr_ib7;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_qb8 <= #1 I2cSlaveRegAddr_ib8;
// Fetching and decoding the command
s_FetchCommand: begin
NewByteRead_op <= #1 Command_b3 == c_GetByte;
ByteOut_ob8 <= #1 ShReg_b8;
AckError_op <= #1 Command_b3 == c_SendByte && I2CAck;
CommandPointer_c4 <= #1 CommandPointer_c4 + 1'b1;
case (ActiveSequence_b3)
c_IoExpWriteSeq: {Command_b3, ShReg_b8} <= #1 IoExpWriteSeq_b11;
c_IoExpReadSeq: {Command_b3, ShReg_b8} <= #1 IoExpReadSeq_b11;
c_I2cSlaveRead: {Command_b3, ShReg_b8} <= #1 I2cMuxRdSlaveRegSeq_b11;
c_I2cSlaveWrite: {Command_b3, ShReg_b8} <= #1 I2cMuxWrSlaveRegSeq_b11;
default: {Command_b3, ShReg_b8} <= #1 {c_GoToIdle, 8'h0};
s_StartExecution : begin
NewByteRead_op <= #1 1'b0;
BitCounter_c4 <= #1 4'h0;
SclCounter_c10 <= #1 10'h0;
if (NextState_ab4==s_GetScl0) I2CAck <= #1 ShReg_b8[0];
// Start bit sequence
s_StartSda1 : begin
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (Sda_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_StartScl1 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_StartSda0 : begin
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (!Sda_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_StartScl0 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (!Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
// Byte sending sequence
s_SendScl0 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (!Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
if (SclCounter_c10[8:0]==g_SclHalfPeriod[9:1]) SdaOe_e <= #1 BitCounter_c4[3] ? 1'b0 : !ShReg_b8[7];
s_SendScl1 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) begin
BitCounter_c4 <= #1 BitCounter_c4 + 1'b1;
SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
ShReg_b8[7:1] <= #1 ShReg_b8[6:0];
I2CAck <= #1 Sda_ioz;
end else if (Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
// Byte getting sequence
s_GetScl0 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b1;
SdaOe_e <= #1 (BitCounter_c4==4'd8) ? !I2CAck : 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (!Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_GetScl1 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) begin
BitCounter_c4 <= #1 BitCounter_c4 + 1'b1;
SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
ShReg_b8 <= #1 (BitCounter_c4==4'd8) ? ShReg_b8 : {ShReg_b8[6:0], Sda_ioz};
end else if (Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
// Stop bit sequence
s_StopSda0 : begin
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (!Sda_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_StopScl1 : begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (Scl_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
s_StopSda1 : begin
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
if (NextState_ab4 != State_qb4) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
else if (Sda_ioz) SclCounter_c10 <= #1 SclCounter_c10 + 1'b1;
else SclCounter_c10 <= #1 'h0;
// Protection from bad state condition
default: begin
SclOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
SdaOe_e <= #1 1'b0;
assign Scl_ioz = SclOe_e ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign Sda_ioz = SdaOe_e ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
\ No newline at end of file
//################################## Module Information ##################################\\
// Company: CERN (BE-BI)
// File Name: I2cExpAndMuxMaster.v
// File versions history:
// - <date> <version> Andrea Boccardi <description>
// Language: Verilog 2005
// Description:
// At start up and after each reset the module:
// - scan all the IO Exp to set them in the appropriate IO state and read the actual value
// - for each moddef0 to ground the SFP is access to read the ID of the module
// After start up the module goes trough all the external requests, in a round robin guaranteed
// by a mute after each access reset once no requests remains unmuted (for the BlmIn the muting can be masked):
// - if an IoExp has an interrupt is served with the following order
// -- BlmIn
// -- SfpApp12
// --- if one of the Sfp is inserted (ModDef going to 0) the ID is read immediately
// -- SfpApp32
// --- if one of the Sfp is inserted (ModDef going to 0) the ID is read immediately
// -- SfpBstEth
// --- if one of the Sfp is inserted (ModDef going to 0) the ID is read immediately
// -- SfpLos
// - if one of the Sfp settings (rateselect and disable) is changed we propagate the change
// - if one of the GpIo settings is changed we propagate the change
// - if one of the Leds settings is changed we propagate the change
// - if there is a request to access one I2c interface we execute it
// BlmIn can be set to latency deterministic mode. If this is the case a BlmIn int mutes all the requests
// for a time equal to the longest transaction and is than read and than the mute removed (the time is
// programmable)
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module I2cExpAndMuxReqArbiter
//==================================== Global Parameters ===================================\\
#( parameter g_SclHalfPeriod = 10'd256)
//======================================== I/O ports =======================================\\
//==== Clocks & Resets ====\\
input Clk_ik,
input Rst_irq,
//==== Master interface ====\\
// IO Expanders parameters:
output reg IoExpWrReq_oq,
input IoExpWrOn_i,
output reg IoExpRdReq_oq,
input IoExpRdOn_i,
output reg [2:0] IoExpAddr_oqb3,
output reg [1:0] IoExpRegAddr_oqb2,
output reg [7:0] IoExpData_oqb8,
// I2c Mux parameters:
output reg I2cSlaveWrReq_oq,
input I2cSlaveWrOn_i,
output reg I2cSlaveRdReq_oq,
input I2cSlaveRdOn_i,
output reg I2cMuxAddress_oq,
output reg [1:0] I2cMuxChannel_oqb2,
output reg [6:0] I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7,
output reg [7:0] I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8,
output reg [7:0] I2cSlaveByte_oqb8,
// Status and results:
input MasterBusy_i,
input MasterNewByteRead_ip,
input [7:0] MasterByteOut_ib8,
input MasterAckError_i,
//==== I2c IO expander interrupts ====\\
input IoExpApp12Int_ian,
input IoExpApp34Int_ian,
input IoExpBstEthInt_ian,
input IoExpLosInt_ian,
input IoExpBlmInInt_ian,
//==== System and Application Interface ====\\
output reg InitDone_oq,
// Vme Ga and GaP:
output reg [4:0] VmeGa_onqb5,
output reg VmeGaP_onq,
// Leds:
input [7:0] Led_ib8,
output reg [7:0] StatusLed_ob8,
// GpIo:
input GpIo1A2B_i,
input EnGpIo1Term_i,
input GpIo2A2B_i,
input EnGpIo2Term_i,
input GpIo34A2B_i,
input EnGpIo3Term_i,
input EnGpIo4Term_i,
output reg StatusGpIo1A2B_oq,
output reg StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq,
output reg StatusGpIo2A2B_oq,
output reg StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq,
output reg StatusGpIo34A2B_oq,
output reg StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq,
output reg StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq,
// BlmIn:
output reg [7:0] BlmIn_oqb8,
// AppSfp1:
output reg AppSfp1Present_oq,
output reg [15:0] AppSfp1Id_oq16,
output reg AppSfp1TxFault_oq,
output reg AppSfp1Los_oq,
input AppSfp1TxDisable_i,
input AppSfp1RateSelect_i,
output reg StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq,
// AppSfp2:
output reg AppSfp2Present_oq,
output reg [15:0] AppSfp2Id_oq16,
output reg AppSfp2TxFault_oq,
output reg AppSfp2Los_oq,
input AppSfp2TxDisable_i,
input AppSfp2RateSelect_i,
output reg StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq,
// AppSfp3:
output reg AppSfp3Present_oq,
output reg [15:0] AppSfp3Id_oq16,
output reg AppSfp3TxFault_oq,
output reg AppSfp3Los_oq,
input AppSfp3TxDisable_i,
input AppSfp3RateSelect_i,
output reg StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq,
// AppSfp4:
output reg AppSfp4Present_oq,
output reg [15:0] AppSfp4Id_oq16,
output reg AppSfp4TxFault_oq,
output reg AppSfp4Los_oq,
input AppSfp4TxDisable_i,
input AppSfp4RateSelect_i,
output reg StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq,
// BstSfp:
output reg BstSfpPresent_oq,
output reg [15:0] BstSfpId_oq16,
output reg BstSfpTxFault_oq,
output reg BstSfpLos_oq,
input BstSfpTxDisable_i,
input BstSfpRateSelect_i,
output reg StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq,
// EthSfp:
output reg EthSfpPresent_oq,
output reg [15:0] EthSfpId_oq16,
output reg EthSfpTxFault_oq,
output reg EthSfpLos_oq,
input EthSfpTxDisable_i,
input EthSfpRateSelect_i,
output reg StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq,
output reg StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq,
// CDR:
output reg CdrLos_oq,
output reg CdrLol_oq,
//==== WishBone interface for the I2C slaves ====\\
input I2cWbCyc_i,
input I2cWbStb_i,
input I2cWbWe_i,
input [11:0] I2cWbAdr_ib12,
input [7:0] I2cWbDat_ib8,
output reg [7:0] I2cWbDat_ob8,
output reg I2cWbAck_o,
//==== WishBone interface for the configuration ====\\
input WbCyc_i,
input WbStb_i,
input WbWe_i,
input [31:0] WbDat_ib32,
output reg [31:0] WbDat_oqb32,
output reg WbAck_oa
//======================================= Declarations =====================================\\
//==== Local parameters ====\\
// FSM:
localparam s_Idle = 6'd00,
s_GaRead = 6'd01,
s_BlmInRead = 6'd02,
s_LosRead = 6'd03,
s_GpioWrite = 6'd04,
s_GpioSetMode = 6'd05,
s_LedWrite = 6'd06,
s_LedSetMode = 6'd07,
s_BstEthWrite = 6'd08,
s_BstEthSetMode = 6'd09,
s_App1App2Write = 6'd10,
s_App1App2SetMode = 6'd11,
s_App3App4Write = 6'd12,
s_App3App4SetMode = 6'd13,
s_BstEthRead = 6'd14,
s_BstReadId1 = 6'd15,
s_BstReadId2 = 6'd16,
s_BstI2cRead = 6'd17,
s_BstI2cWrite = 6'd18,
s_EthReadId1 = 6'd19,
s_EthReadId2 = 6'd20,
s_EthI2cRead = 6'd21,
s_EthI2cWrite = 6'd22,
s_App1App2Read = 6'd23,
s_App1ReadId1 = 6'd24,
s_App1ReadId2 = 6'd25,
s_App1I2cRead = 6'd26,
s_App1I2cWrite = 6'd27,
s_App2ReadId1 = 6'd28,
s_App2ReadId2 = 6'd29,
s_App2I2cRead = 6'd30,
s_App2I2cWrite = 6'd31,
s_App3App4Read = 6'd32,
s_App3ReadId1 = 6'd33,
s_App3ReadId2 = 6'd34,
s_App3I2cRead = 6'd35,
s_App3I2cWrite = 6'd36,
s_App4ReadId1 = 6'd37,
s_App4ReadId2 = 6'd38,
s_App4I2cRead = 6'd39,
s_App4I2cWrite = 6'd40,
s_CdrI2cRead = 6'd41,
s_CdrI2cWrite = 6'd42,
s_Si57xI2cRead = 6'd43,
s_Si57xI2cWrite = 6'd44;
//==== Wires & Regs ====\\
reg [31:0] GlobalConfigReg_q32;
reg [31:0] BlmInConfigReg_q32;
reg [5:0] State_q = s_Idle, NextState_a, State_d = s_Idle;
reg AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask, AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask, BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask, GpioExpWrReqMask, LedExpWrReqMask, AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask, AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask, BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask, LosExRdReqMask;
reg BlmInRdReqMask, AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask, AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask, AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask, AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask, BstSfpI2cAccReqMask, EthSfpI2cAccReqMask, CdrI2cAccReqMask, Si57xI2cAccReqMask;
reg [23:0] BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 = 0;
reg PreAppSfp1Present_q = 0,
PreAppSfp2Present_q = 0,
PreAppSfp3Present_q = 0,
PreAppSfp4Present_q = 0,
PreEthSfpPresent_q = 0,
PreBstSfpPresent_q = 0;
reg MasterBusy_d = 0,
MasterTrnDone_p = 0;
reg [2:0] IoExpApp12Int_x3, IoExpApp34Int_x3, IoExpBstEthInt_x3, IoExpLosInt_x3, IoExpBlmInInt_x3;
reg [23:0] WaitCounter_c24 = 0;
initial InitDone_oq = 0;
//======================================= User Logic =======================================\\
//==== WishBone Interface ====\\
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
if (Rst_irq) begin
GlobalConfigReg_q32 <= #1 {3'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 24'd250_000}; //Comment: all int enabled and the BLMIN timeout set to 2ms (2 SFP plugged at the same time). 1ms is the more reasonable delay if we allow plugging or 500us if we don't
WbAck_oa <= #1 1'b0;
end else begin
if (WbCyc_i && WbWe_i && WbStb_i) GlobalConfigReg_q32 <= #1 GlobalConfigReg_q32;
WbDat_oqb32 <= #1 WbWe_i ? WbDat_ib32 : GlobalConfigReg_q32;
WbAck_oa <= #1 WbStb_i&&WbCyc_i;
wire a_BlmInI2cIntDisable = GlobalConfigReg_q32[28];
wire a_LosI2cIntDisable = GlobalConfigReg_q32[27];
wire a_BstEthSfpI2cIntDisable = GlobalConfigReg_q32[26];
wire a_AppSfp34I2cIntDisable = GlobalConfigReg_q32[25];
wire a_AppSfp12I2cIntDisable = GlobalConfigReg_q32[24];
wire [23:0] a_BlmInMuteOthersTime_b24 = GlobalConfigReg_q32[23:0]; //Comment: if the timeout is 0 the BLMIN works like the others, if is !=0 than it is never muted and mutes the others to guarantee latency determinism
wire a_BlmInI2cIntTimeOutEnable = |a_BlmInMuteOthersTime_b24;
//==== I2C Wishbone Address Decoder ====\\
reg [3:0] SelectedInterface_b4 ;
localparam c_SelNothing = 4'd0,
c_SelAppSfp1 = 4'd1,
c_SelAppSfp2 = 4'd2,
c_SelAppSfp3 = 4'd3,
c_SelAppSfp4 = 4'd4,
c_SelBstSfp = 4'd5,
c_SelEthSfp = 4'd6,
c_SelCdr = 4'd7,
c_SelSi57x = 4'd8;
always @*
if (I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i && ~I2cWbAck_o) casez(I2cWbAdr_ib12)
12'b000?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelAppSfp1 ;
12'b001?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelAppSfp2 ;
12'b010?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelAppSfp3 ;
12'b011?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelAppSfp4 ;
12'b100?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelBstSfp ;
12'b101?_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelEthSfp ;
12'b1100_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelCdr ;
12'b1110_????????: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelSi57x ;
default: SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelNothing ;
else SelectedInterface_b4 = c_SelNothing;
//==== I2c Exp and Mux Access Requests ====\\
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
IoExpApp12Int_x3 <= #1 {IoExpApp12Int_x3 [1:0], IoExpApp12Int_ian};
IoExpApp34Int_x3 <= #1 {IoExpApp34Int_x3 [1:0], IoExpApp34Int_ian};
IoExpBstEthInt_x3 <= #1 {IoExpBstEthInt_x3[1:0], IoExpBstEthInt_ian};
IoExpLosInt_x3 <= #1 {IoExpLosInt_x3 [1:0], IoExpLosInt_ian};
IoExpBlmInInt_x3 <= #1 {IoExpBlmInInt_x3 [1:0], IoExpBlmInInt_ian};
wire BlmInRdReq = ~BlmInRdReqMask && ~(IoExpBlmInInt_x3[2] || a_BlmInI2cIntDisable);
wire AppSfp12ExpRdReq = ~AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask && ~(IoExpApp12Int_x3[2] || a_AppSfp12I2cIntDisable);
wire AppSfp34ExpRdReq = ~AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask && ~(IoExpApp34Int_x3[2] || a_AppSfp34I2cIntDisable);
wire BstEthSfpExpRdReq = ~BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask && ~(IoExpBstEthInt_x3[2] || a_BstEthSfpI2cIntDisable);
wire LosExRdReq = ~LosExRdReqMask && ~(IoExpLosInt_x3[2] || a_LosI2cIntDisable);
wire AppSfp12ExpWrReq = ~AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask && (AppSfp1TxDisable_i^StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq) || (AppSfp1RateSelect_i^StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq) || (AppSfp2TxDisable_i^StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq) || (AppSfp2RateSelect_i^StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq);
wire AppSfp34ExpWrReq = ~AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask && (AppSfp3TxDisable_i^StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq) || (AppSfp3RateSelect_i^StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq) || (AppSfp4TxDisable_i^StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq) || (AppSfp4RateSelect_i^StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq);
wire BstEthSfpExpWrReq = ~BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask && (BstSfpTxDisable_i^StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq) || (BstSfpRateSelect_i^StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq) || (EthSfpTxDisable_i^StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq) || (EthSfpRateSelect_i^StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq);
wire GpioExpWrReq = ~GpioExpWrReqMask && (GpIo1A2B_i^StatusGpIo1A2B_oq || EnGpIo1Term_i^StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq || GpIo2A2B_i^StatusGpIo2A2B_oq || EnGpIo2Term_i^StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq || GpIo34A2B_i^StatusGpIo34A2B_oq || EnGpIo3Term_i^StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq || EnGpIo4Term_i^StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq);
wire LedExpWrReq = ~LedExpWrReqMask && (Led_ib8!=StatusLed_ob8);
wire AppSfp1I2cAccReq = ~AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelAppSfp1;
wire AppSfp2I2cAccReq = ~AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelAppSfp2;
wire AppSfp3I2cAccReq = ~AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelAppSfp3;
wire AppSfp4I2cAccReq = ~AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelAppSfp4;
wire BstSfpI2cAccReq = ~BstSfpI2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelBstSfp;
wire EthSfpI2cAccReq = ~EthSfpI2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelEthSfp;
wire CdrI2cAccReq = ~CdrI2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelCdr;
wire Si57xI2cAccReq = ~Si57xI2cAccReqMask && SelectedInterface_b4 == c_SelSi57x;
//==== I2c Exp and Mux End of transaction detection ====\\
always @(posedge Clk_ik) MasterBusy_d <= MasterBusy_i;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) MasterTrnDone_p <= MasterBusy_d && ~MasterBusy_i;
//==== State Machine ====\\
always @(posedge Clk_ik) State_d <= #1 State_q;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) State_q <= #1 Rst_irq ? s_Idle : NextState_a;
always @* begin
NextState_a = State_q;
case (State_q)
s_Idle : if (~MasterBusy_i) begin
if (~InitDone_oq) NextState_a = s_GaRead;
else if (|BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24) begin //Comment: a BlmIn int triggered a mute all to assure the latency determinism of its readout
if ((BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 == a_BlmInMuteOthersTime_b24) && BlmInRdReq ) NextState_a = s_BlmInRead;
end else begin
if (BlmInRdReq && ~|a_BlmInMuteOthersTime_b24) NextState_a = s_BlmInRead; //comment: The MuteOthers is set to 0 so no need to wait
else if (AppSfp12ExpRdReq ) NextState_a = s_App1App2Read;
else if (AppSfp34ExpRdReq ) NextState_a = s_App3App4Read;
else if (BstEthSfpExpRdReq) NextState_a = s_BstEthRead;
else if (LosExRdReq ) NextState_a = s_LosRead;
else if (AppSfp12ExpWrReq ) NextState_a = s_App1App2Write;
else if (AppSfp34ExpWrReq ) NextState_a = s_App3App4Write;
else if (BstEthSfpExpWrReq) NextState_a = s_BstEthWrite;
else if (GpioExpWrReq ) NextState_a = s_GpioWrite;
else if (LedExpWrReq ) NextState_a = s_LedWrite;
else if (AppSfp1I2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_App1I2cWrite : s_App1I2cRead;
else if (AppSfp2I2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_App2I2cWrite : s_App2I2cRead;
else if (AppSfp3I2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_App3I2cWrite : s_App3I2cRead;
else if (AppSfp4I2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_App4I2cWrite : s_App4I2cRead;
else if (BstSfpI2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_BstI2cWrite : s_BstI2cRead;
else if (EthSfpI2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_EthI2cWrite : s_EthI2cRead;
else if (CdrI2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_CdrI2cWrite : s_CdrI2cRead;
else if (Si57xI2cAccReq ) NextState_a = I2cWbWe_i ? s_Si57xI2cWrite : s_Si57xI2cRead;
s_GaRead : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_BlmInRead; //Comment: this is executed only in the initialization sequence
s_BlmInRead : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_LosRead ;
s_LosRead : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_GpioWrite ;
s_GpioWrite : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_GpioSetMode ;
s_GpioSetMode : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_LedWrite ;
s_LedWrite : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_LedSetMode ;
s_LedSetMode : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_BstEthWrite ;
s_BstEthWrite : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_BstEthSetMode ;
s_BstEthSetMode : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App1App2Write ;
s_App1App2Write : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App1App2SetMode;
s_App1App2SetMode : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App3App4Write ;
s_App3App4Write : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App3App4SetMode;
s_App3App4SetMode : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_BstEthRead ;
s_BstEthRead : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreBstSfpPresent_q && ~BstSfpPresent_oq) NextState_a = s_BstReadId1;
else if (PreEthSfpPresent_q && ~EthSfpPresent_oq) NextState_a = s_EthReadId1;
else NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App1App2Read;
s_BstReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_BstReadId2;
s_BstReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreEthSfpPresent_q && ~EthSfpPresent_oq) NextState_a = s_EthReadId1;
else NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App1App2Read;
s_EthReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_EthReadId2;
s_EthReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App1App2Read;
s_App1App2Read : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreAppSfp1Present_q && ~AppSfp1Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App1ReadId1;
else if (PreAppSfp2Present_q && ~AppSfp2Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App2ReadId1;
else NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App3App4Read;
s_App1ReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_App1ReadId2;
s_App1ReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreAppSfp2Present_q && ~AppSfp2Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App2ReadId1;
else NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App3App4Read;
s_App2ReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_App2ReadId2;
s_App2ReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = InitDone_oq ? s_Idle : s_App3App4Read;
s_App3App4Read : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreAppSfp3Present_q && ~AppSfp3Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App3ReadId1;
else if (PreAppSfp4Present_q && ~AppSfp4Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App4ReadId1;
else NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App3ReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_App3ReadId2;
s_App3ReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) begin
if (PreAppSfp4Present_q && ~AppSfp4Present_oq) NextState_a = s_App4ReadId1;
else NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App4ReadId1 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_App4ReadId2;
s_App4ReadId2 : if (MasterTrnDone_p) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_BstI2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_BstI2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_EthI2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_EthI2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App1I2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App1I2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App2I2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App2I2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App3I2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App3I2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App4I2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_App4I2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_CdrI2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_CdrI2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_Si57xI2cRead : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
s_Si57xI2cWrite : if (~(I2cWbCyc_i && I2cWbStb_i)) NextState_a = s_Idle;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
if (Rst_irq) begin
InitDone_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b0;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b0;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b0;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'b0;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
VmeGa_onqb5 <= #1 5'b0;
VmeGaP_onq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusLed_ob8 <= #1 8'b0;
StatusGpIo1A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusGpIo2A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusGpIo34A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BlmIn_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
AppSfp1Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp1TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp2TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp3TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp4TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
BstSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
EthSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
CdrLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
CdrLol_oq <= #1 1'b1;
BlmInRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LosExRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
GpioExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LedExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
CdrI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
Si57xI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 <= #1 24'h0;
PreAppSfp1Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp2Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp3Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp4Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreEthSfpPresent_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreBstSfpPresent_q <= #1 1'b0;
I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b0;
WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 24'h0;
end else begin
if (~InitDone_oq || ~a_BlmInI2cIntTimeOutEnable) BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 <= #1 24'h0;
else if (|BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 || (BlmInRdReq && |a_BlmInMuteOthersTime_b24)) BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 <= #1 BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 + 1'b1;
s_Idle : begin
I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b0;
WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 24'h0;
if (~(BlmInRdReq||AppSfp12ExpRdReq||AppSfp34ExpRdReq||BstEthSfpExpRdReq||LosExRdReq||AppSfp12ExpWrReq||AppSfp34ExpWrReq||BstEthSfpExpWrReq||GpioExpWrReq||LedExpWrReq||AppSfp1I2cAccReq||AppSfp2I2cAccReq||AppSfp3I2cAccReq ||AppSfp4I2cAccReq||BstSfpI2cAccReq||EthSfpI2cAccReq||CdrI2cAccReq||Si57xI2cAccReq)) begin
BlmInRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LosExRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
GpioExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LedExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
CdrI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
Si57xI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
s_GaRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b011;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) {VmeGaP_onq, VmeGa_onqb5} <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[5:0];
s_BlmInRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b110;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) BlmIn_oqb8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
BlmInRdReqMask <= #1 ~a_BlmInI2cIntTimeOutEnable;
BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 <= #1 24'b0;
s_LosRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b111;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) {CdrLol_oq, CdrLos_oq, EthSfpLos_oq, BstSfpLos_oq, AppSfp4Los_oq, AppSfp3Los_oq, AppSfp2Los_oq, AppSfp1Los_oq} <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
LosExRdReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_GpioWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 {1'b0, EnGpIo4Term_i, EnGpIo3Term_i, EnGpIo2Term_i, EnGpIo1Term_i, GpIo34A2B_i, GpIo2A2B_i, GpIo1A2B_i};
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b100;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
if (NextState_a != s_GpioWrite) {StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq, StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq, StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq, StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq, StatusGpIo34A2B_oq, StatusGpIo2A2B_oq, StatusGpIo1A2B_oq} <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[6:0];
GpioExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_GpioSetMode : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b100;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
s_LedWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 ~Led_ib8;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b101;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
if (NextState_a != s_LedWrite) StatusLed_ob8 <= #1 ~IoExpData_oqb8;
LedExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_LedSetMode : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b101;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
s_BstEthWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 {1'b0, EthSfpRateSelect_i, EthSfpTxDisable_i, 1'b0, 1'b0, BstSfpRateSelect_i, BstSfpTxDisable_i, 1'b0};
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b010;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
if (NextState_a != s_BstEthWrite) begin
StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[6];
StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[5];
StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[2];
StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[1];
BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_BstEthSetMode : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b010;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b10011001;
s_BstEthRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b010;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[7]) begin
EthSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreEthSfpPresent_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[7];
EthSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[4];
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[3]) begin
BstSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreBstSfpPresent_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[3];
BstSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[0];
BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_BstReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) BstSfpId_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_BstReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
BstSfpId_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
BstSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_EthReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) EthSfpId_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_EthReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
EthSfpId_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
EthSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_App1App2Write : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 {1'b0, AppSfp2RateSelect_i, AppSfp2TxDisable_i, 1'b0, 1'b0, AppSfp1RateSelect_i, AppSfp1TxDisable_i, 1'b0};
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b000;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
if (NextState_a != s_App1App2Write) begin
StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[6];
StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[5];
StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[2];
StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[1];
AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_App1App2SetMode : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b000;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b10011001;
s_App1App2Read : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b000;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[7]) begin
AppSfp2Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Id_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreAppSfp2Present_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[7];
AppSfp2TxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[4];
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[3]) begin
AppSfp1Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1Id_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreAppSfp1Present_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[3];
AppSfp1TxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[0];
AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_App1ReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) AppSfp1Id_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_App1ReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
AppSfp1Id_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp1Present_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_App2ReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) AppSfp2Id_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_App2ReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
AppSfp2Id_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp2Present_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_App3App4Write : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 {1'b0, AppSfp4RateSelect_i, AppSfp4TxDisable_i, 1'b0, 1'b0, AppSfp3RateSelect_i, AppSfp3TxDisable_i, 1'b0};
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b001;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
if (NextState_a != s_App1App2Write) begin
StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[6];
StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[5];
StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[2];
StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq <= #1 IoExpData_oqb8[1];
AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
s_App3App4SetMode : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) begin
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
end else if (IoExpWrOn_i) IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b001;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b10011001;
s_App3App4Read : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (IoExpRdOn_i) IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b001;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[7]) begin
AppSfp4Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Id_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreAppSfp4Present_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[7];
AppSfp4TxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[4];
if (MasterByteOut_ib8[3]) begin
AppSfp3Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Id_oq16 <= #1 16'h0;
PreAppSfp3Present_q <= #1 ~MasterByteOut_ib8[3];
AppSfp3TxFault_oq <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8[0];
AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_a==s_Idle) InitDone_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_App3ReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) AppSfp3Id_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_App3ReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
AppSfp3Id_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp3Present_oq <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_a==s_Idle) InitDone_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_App4ReadId1 : begin
if ((State_q!=State_d) || |WaitCounter_c24) WaitCounter_c24 <= #1 WaitCounter_c24 + 1'b1;
if (&WaitCounter_c24) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) AppSfp4Id_oq16[7:0] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
s_App4ReadId2 : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h50;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b1;
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) begin
AppSfp4Id_oq16[15:8] <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp4Present_oq <= #1 1'b1;
if (NextState_a==s_Idle) InitDone_oq <= #1 1'b1;
s_BstI2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
BstSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_BstI2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
BstSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_EthI2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
EthSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_EthI2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
EthSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_Si57xI2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h55;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
Si57xI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_Si57xI2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h55;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
Si57xI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_CdrI2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h40;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
CdrI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_CdrI2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b1;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'h40;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
CdrI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App1I2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App1I2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b00;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App2I2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App2I2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b01;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App3I2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App3I2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b10;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App4I2cRead : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveRdOn_i) I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
if (MasterNewByteRead_ip) I2cWbDat_ob8 <= #1 MasterByteOut_ib8;
AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
s_App4I2cWrite : begin
if (State_q!=State_d) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b1;
else if (I2cSlaveWrOn_i) I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbDat_ib8;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b11;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 {6'b101000, I2cWbAdr_ib12[8]};
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 I2cWbAdr_ib12[7:0];
AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b1;
if (MasterTrnDone_p) I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b1;
default : begin
InitDone_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 <= #1 3'b0;
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 <= #1 2'b0;
IoExpData_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
I2cSlaveWrReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cSlaveRdReq_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxAddress_oq <= #1 1'b0;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 <= #1 2'b0;
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 <= #1 7'b0;
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
VmeGa_onqb5 <= #1 5'b0;
VmeGaP_onq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusLed_ob8 <= #1 8'b0;
StatusGpIo1A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusGpIo2A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusGpIo34A2B_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BlmIn_oqb8 <= #1 8'b0;
AppSfp1Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp1TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp2TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp3TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Present_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Id_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
AppSfp4TxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4Los_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
BstSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpPresent_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpId_oq16 <= #1 16'b0;
EthSfpTxFault_oq <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq <= #1 1'b0;
StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq <= #1 1'b0;
CdrLos_oq <= #1 1'b0;
CdrLol_oq <= #1 1'b1;
BlmInRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LosExRdReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp12ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp34ExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstEthSfpExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
GpioExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
LedExpWrReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp1I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp2I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp3I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
AppSfp4I2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BstSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
EthSfpI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
CdrI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
Si57xI2cAccReqMask <= #1 1'b0;
BlmInMuteOthersCnt_c24 <= #1 24'h0;
PreAppSfp1Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp2Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp3Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreAppSfp4Present_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreEthSfpPresent_q <= #1 1'b0;
PreBstSfpPresent_q <= #1 1'b0;
I2cWbAck_o <= #1 1'b0;
All files copied from VFC-HD_System repository of CERN BE-BI[*].
Commit used = fbd74d93f99b54e2ce0dd8d4ae7ff2769234e2d8
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module SfpIdReader #(
parameter g_SfpWbBaseAddress = 0,
g_WbAddrWidth = 32)
input Clk_ik,
input SfpPlugged_i,
output reg SfpIdValid_o,
output reg [127 : 0] SfpPN_b128,
output reg WbCyc_o,
output reg WbStb_o,
output reg [g_WbAddrWidth-1 : 0] WbAddr_ob,
input [7 : 0] WbData_ib8,
input WbAck_i);
localparam s_NoSfp = 0,
s_WbStart = 1,
s_WbClose = 2,
s_Done = 3;
reg [1:0] State_q = s_NoSfp,
reg [3:0] ByteRead_c4;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) State_q <= NextState_a;
always @*
if (!SfpPlugged_i) NextState_a = s_NoSfp;
else begin
NextState_a = State_q;
case (State_q)
s_NoSfp: if (SfpPlugged_i) NextState_a = s_WbStart;
s_WbStart: if (WbAck_i) NextState_a = s_WbClose;
s_WbClose: if (!WbAck_i) NextState_a = &ByteRead_c4 ? s_Done : s_WbStart;
default: NextState_a = s_NoSfp;
always @(posedge Clk_ik)
case (State_q)
s_NoSfp: begin
SfpIdValid_o <= 1'b0;
ByteRead_c4 <= 4'd0;
WbCyc_o <= 1'b0;
WbStb_o <= 1'b0;
WbAddr_ob <= g_SfpWbBaseAddress + 40;
SfpPN_b128 <= 128'd0;
s_WbStart: begin
WbCyc_o <= 1'b1;
WbStb_o <= 1'b1;
if (NextState_a==s_WbClose) SfpPN_b128 <= {SfpPN_b128[119:0], WbData_ib8};
s_WbClose: begin
WbCyc_o <= 1'b1;
WbStb_o <= 1'b0;
if (NextState_a==s_WbStart) begin
WbAddr_ob <= WbAddr_ob + 1'b1;
ByteRead_c4 <= ByteRead_c4 + 1'b1;
s_Done: begin
SfpIdValid_o <= 1'b1;
WbCyc_o <= 1'b0;
WbStb_o <= 1'b0;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package vfchd_i2cmux_pkg is
component SfpIdReader is
generic (
g_SfpWbBaseAddress : natural := 0;
g_WbAddrWidth : natural := 32);
port (
Clk_ik : in std_logic;
SfpPlugged_i : in std_logic;
SfpIdValid_o : out std_logic;
SfpPN_b128 : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
WbCyc_o : out std_logic;
WbStb_o : out std_logic;
WbAddr_ob : out std_logic_vector(g_WbAddrWidth-1 downto 0);
WbData_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
WbAck_i : in std_logic);
end component SfpIdReader;
component I2cExpAndMuxMaster is
generic (
g_SclHalfPeriod : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0100000000");
port (
Clk_ik : in std_logic;
Rst_irq : in std_logic;
IoExpWrReq_i : in std_logic;
IoExpWrOn_oq : out std_logic;
IoExpRdReq_i : in std_logic;
IoExpRdOn_oq : out std_logic;
IoExpAddr_ib3 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
IoExpRegAddr_ib2 : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
IoExpData_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cSlaveWrReq_i : in std_logic;
I2cSlaveWrOn_o : out std_logic;
I2cSlaveRdReq_i : in std_logic;
I2cSlaveRdOn_o : out std_logic;
I2cMuxAddress_i : in std_logic;
I2cMuxChannel_ib2 : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
I2cSlaveAddr_ib7 : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
I2cSlaveRegAddr_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cSlaveByte_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Busy_o : out std_logic;
NewByteRead_op : out std_logic;
ByteOut_ob8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
AckError_op : out std_logic;
Scl_ioz : inout std_logic;
Sda_ioz : inout std_logic);
end component I2cExpAndMuxMaster;
component I2cExpAndMuxReqArbiter is
port (
Clk_ik : in std_logic;
Rst_irq : in std_logic;
IoExpWrReq_oq : out std_logic;
IoExpWrOn_i : in std_logic;
IoExpRdReq_oq : out std_logic;
IoExpRdOn_i : in std_logic;
IoExpAddr_oqb3 : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
IoExpData_oqb8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cSlaveWrReq_oq : out std_logic;
I2cSlaveWrOn_i : in std_logic;
I2cSlaveRdReq_oq : out std_logic;
I2cSlaveRdOn_i : in std_logic;
I2cMuxAddress_oq : out std_logic;
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
MasterBusy_i : in std_logic;
MasterNewByteRead_ip : in std_logic;
MasterByteOut_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
MasterAckError_i : in std_logic;
IoExpApp12Int_ian : in std_logic;
IoExpApp34Int_ian : in std_logic;
IoExpBstEthInt_ian : in std_logic;
IoExpLosInt_ian : in std_logic;
IoExpBlmInInt_ian : in std_logic;
InitDone_oq : out std_logic;
VmeGa_onqb5 : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
VmeGaP_onq : out std_logic;
Led_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
StatusLed_ob8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
GpIo1A2B_i : in std_logic;
EnGpIo1Term_i : in std_logic;
GpIo2A2B_i : in std_logic;
EnGpIo2Term_i : in std_logic;
GpIo34A2B_i : in std_logic;
EnGpIo3Term_i : in std_logic;
EnGpIo4Term_i : in std_logic;
StatusGpIo1A2B_oq : out std_logic;
StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq : out std_logic;
StatusGpIo2A2B_oq : out std_logic;
StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq : out std_logic;
StatusGpIo34A2B_oq : out std_logic;
StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq : out std_logic;
StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq : out std_logic;
BlmIn_oqb8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
AppSfp1Present_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp1Id_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
AppSfp1TxFault_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp1Los_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp1TxDisable_i : in std_logic;
AppSfp1RateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp2Present_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp2Id_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
AppSfp2TxFault_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp2Los_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp2TxDisable_i : in std_logic;
AppSfp2RateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp3Present_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp3Id_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
AppSfp3TxFault_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp3Los_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp3TxDisable_i : in std_logic;
AppSfp3RateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp4Present_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp4Id_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
AppSfp4TxFault_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp4Los_oq : out std_logic;
AppSfp4TxDisable_i : in std_logic;
AppSfp4RateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
BstSfpPresent_oq : out std_logic;
BstSfpId_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
BstSfpTxFault_oq : out std_logic;
BstSfpLos_oq : out std_logic;
BstSfpTxDisable_i : in std_logic;
BstSfpRateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
EthSfpPresent_oq : out std_logic;
EthSfpId_oq16 : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
EthSfpTxFault_oq : out std_logic;
EthSfpLos_oq : out std_logic;
EthSfpTxDisable_i : in std_logic;
EthSfpRateSelect_i : in std_logic;
StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq : out std_logic;
StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq : out std_logic;
CdrLos_oq : out std_logic;
CdrLol_oq : out std_logic;
I2cWbCyc_i : in std_logic;
I2cWbStb_i : in std_logic;
I2cWbWe_i : in std_logic;
I2cWbAdr_ib12 : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
I2cWbDat_ib8 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cWbDat_ob8 : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
I2cWbAck_o : out std_logic;
WbCyc_i : in std_logic;
WbStb_i : in std_logic;
WbWe_i : in std_logic;
WbDat_ib32 : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
WbDat_oqb32 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
WbAck_oa : out std_logic);
end component I2cExpAndMuxReqArbiter;
end vfchd_i2cmux_pkg;
-- Title : WRPC reference design for VFC-HD
-- Project : WR PTP Core
-- URL :
-- File : vfchd_wr_ref_top.vhd
-- Author(s) : Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Created : 2017-01-24
-- Last update: 2017-02-17
-- Standard : VHDL'93
-- Description: Top-level file for the WRPC reference design on the VFC-HD.
-- This is a reference top HDL that instanciates the WR PTP Core together with
-- its peripherals to be run on a VFC-HD card.
-- There are two main usecases for this HDL file:
-- * let new users easily synthesize a WR PTP Core bitstream that can be run on
-- reference hardware
-- * provide a reference top HDL file showing how the WRPC can be instantiated
-- in HDL projects.
-- VFC-HD:
-- Copyright (c) 2017 CERN
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
-- later version.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
-- details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License along with this source; if not, download it
-- from
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.xvme64x_core_pkg.all;
use work.wr_vfchd_pkg.all;
use work.vfchd_i2cmux_pkg.all;
entity vfchd_wr_ref_top is
port (
-- Clocks/resets
-- Clock inputs from the board
clk_board_125m_i : in std_logic;
clk_board_20m_i : in std_logic;
-- Reset input (active low, can be async)
areset_n_i : in std_logic;
-- VME interface
vme_write_n_i : in std_logic;
vme_lword_n_b : inout std_logic;
vme_iackout_n_o : out std_logic;
vme_iackin_n_i : in std_logic;
vme_iack_n_i : in std_logic;
vme_dtack_oe_o : out std_logic;
vme_ds_n_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
vme_data_oe_n_o : out std_logic;
vme_data_dir_o : out std_logic;
vme_as_n_i : in std_logic;
vme_addr_oe_n_o : out std_logic;
vme_addr_dir_o : out std_logic;
vme_irq_n_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 1);
vme_data_b : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
vme_am_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
vme_addr_b : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
-- SPI interfaces to DACs
dac_ref_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
dac_dmtd_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
dac_din_o : out std_logic;
dac_sclk_o : out std_logic;
-- SPI interfaces to VFC Vadj and VADC
--vfc_vadj_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
--vfc_vadj_din_o : out std_logic;
--vfc_vadj_sck_o : out std_logic;
--vfc_vadc_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
--vfc_vadc_din_o : out std_logic;
--vfc_vadc_dout_i : in std_logic;
--vfc_vadc_sck_o : out std_logic;
-- SFP I/O for transceiver
sfp_tx_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rx_i : in std_logic;
-- VFC IO/I2C Mux
i2c_mux_sda_b : inout std_logic;
i2c_mux_scl_b : inout std_logic;
io_exp_irq_bsteth_n_i : in std_logic;
io_exp_irq_los_n_i : in std_logic;
eeprom_sda_b : inout std_logic;
eeprom_scl_b : inout std_logic;
-- Onewire interface
onewire_b : inout std_logic;
-- FMC DIO mezzannine and VFC GPIOs
fmc_enable_n_o : out std_logic;
dio_led_term_o : out std_logic;
dio_led_out_o : out std_logic;
dio1_i : in std_logic; -- LEMO1 as input for ext PPS in
dio1_oe_n_o : out std_logic; -- LEMO1 output enable control
dio1_term_en_o : out std_logic; -- LEMO1 output termination control
dio5_clk_i : in std_logic; -- LEMO5 clock input for ext 10MHz
dio5_oe_n_o : out std_logic; -- LEMO5 output enable control
dio5_term_en_o : out std_logic; -- LEMO5 output termination control
vfchd_gpio3_o : out std_logic; -- VFC GPIO3 for PPS ref output
vfchd_gpio4_o : out std_logic); -- VFC GPIO4 for ref clock output
end entity vfchd_wr_ref_top;
architecture top of vfchd_wr_ref_top is
-- Constants
-- Number of masters on the primary wishbone crossbar
constant c_NUM_WB1_MASTERS : integer := 2;
-- Number of slaves on the primary wishbone crossbar
constant c_NUM_WB1_SLAVES : integer := 3;
-- Number of masters on the secondary wishbone crossbar
constant c_NUM_WB2_MASTERS : integer := 2;
-- Number of slaves on the secondary wishbone crossbar
constant c_NUM_WB2_SLAVES : integer := 1;
-- Primary Wishbone master(s) offsets
constant c_WB_MASTER_VME : integer := 0;
constant c_WB_MASTER_ETHBONE : integer := 1;
-- Primary Wishbone slave(s) offsets
constant c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG : integer := 0;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_SECOND : integer := 1;
constant c_WB_SLAVE_WRC : integer := 2;
-- Secondary Wishbone master(s) offsets
constant c_WB_MASTER_PRIM : integer := 0;
constant c_WB_MASTER_SFPID : integer := 1;
-- Secondary Wishbone slave(s) offsets
constant c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX : integer := 0;
-- sdb header address on primary crossbar
constant c_SDB_ADDRESS : t_wishbone_address := x"00000000";
-- SDB record for IO Exp configuration port
constant c_xwb_i2ccfg_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"1", -- 8-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"0000000000000003",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"00008889",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20170126",
name => "BE-BI I2C Mux Cfg ")));
constant c_mux_bridge_sdb : t_sdb_bridge :=
f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(x"00003fff", x"00000000");
-- f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(size, sdb_addr)
-- Note: sdb_addr is the sdb records address relative to the bridge base address
constant c_wrc_bridge_sdb : t_sdb_bridge :=
f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(x"0003ffff", x"00030000");
-- Primary wishbone crossbar layout
constant c_WB_LAYOUT : t_sdb_record_array(c_NUM_WB1_SLAVES - 1 downto 0) := (
c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_i2ccfg_sdb, x"00001000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_SECOND => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_mux_bridge_sdb, x"00004000"),
c_WB_SLAVE_WRC => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_wrc_bridge_sdb, x"00040000"));
-- Signals
-- Wishbone buse(s) from masters attached to primary crossbar
signal cnx1_master_out : t_wishbone_master_out_array(c_NUM_WB1_MASTERS-1 downto 0);
signal cnx1_master_in : t_wishbone_master_in_array(c_NUM_WB1_MASTERS-1 downto 0);
-- Wishbone buse(s) to slaves attached to primary crossbar
signal cnx1_slave_out : t_wishbone_slave_out_array(c_NUM_WB1_SLAVES-1 downto 0);
signal cnx1_slave_in : t_wishbone_slave_in_array(c_NUM_WB1_SLAVES-1 downto 0);
-- Wishbone buse(s) from masters attached to secondary crossbar
signal cnx2_master_out : t_wishbone_master_out_array(c_NUM_WB2_MASTERS-1 downto 0);
signal cnx2_master_in : t_wishbone_master_in_array(c_NUM_WB2_MASTERS-1 downto 0);
-- Wishbone buse(s) to slaves attached to secondary crossbar
signal cnx2_slave_out : t_wishbone_slave_out_array(c_NUM_WB2_SLAVES-1 downto 0);
signal cnx2_slave_in : t_wishbone_slave_in_array(c_NUM_WB2_SLAVES-1 downto 0);
-- clock and reset
signal clk_sys_62m5 : std_logic;
signal rst_sys_62m5 : std_logic;
signal clk_ref_125m : std_logic;
signal clk_ref_div2 : std_logic;
signal eeprom_sda_in : std_logic;
signal eeprom_sda_out : std_logic;
signal eeprom_scl_in : std_logic;
signal eeprom_scl_out : std_logic;
-- VME
signal vme_data_b_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal vme_addr_b_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
signal vme_lword_n_b_out : std_logic;
signal Vme_data_dir_int : std_logic;
signal vme_addr_dir_int : std_logic;
signal vme_dtack_n : std_logic;
signal vme_ga : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- SFP
signal sfp_det_valid : std_logic;
signal sfp_data : std_logic_vector (127 downto 0);
signal sfp_wb_adr : t_wishbone_address;
signal sfp_tx_fault : std_logic;
signal sfp_los : std_logic;
signal sfp_tx_disable : std_logic;
-- OneWire
signal onewire_data : std_logic;
signal onewire_oe : std_logic;
-- IO/I2C Mux
signal io_exp_init_done : std_logic;
signal io_exp_wr_req : std_logic;
signal io_exp_wr_on : std_logic;
signal io_exp_rd_req : std_logic;
signal io_exp_rd_on : std_logic;
signal io_exp_addr : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal io_exp_reg_addr : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal io_exp_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal i2c_slv_wr_req : std_logic;
signal i2c_slv_wr_on : std_logic;
signal i2c_slv_rd_req : std_logic;
signal i2c_slv_rd_on : std_logic;
signal i2c_slv_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal i2c_slv_reg_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal i2c_slv_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal i2c_mux_addr : std_logic;
signal i2c_mux_channel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal i2c_mst_busy : std_logic;
signal i2c_mst_dav : std_logic;
signal i2c_mst_ack_err : std_logic;
signal i2c_mst_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal i2c_wb_adr : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal i2c_wb_dat_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal i2c_wb_dat_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- LEDs
signal pps_led : std_logic;
signal pps_led_d : std_logic;
signal vfchd_led : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal wr_led_link : std_logic;
signal wr_led_act : std_logic;
begin -- architecture top
-- Primary wishbone Crossbar
cmp_primary_sdb_crossbar : xwb_sdb_crossbar
generic map (
g_num_masters => c_NUM_WB1_MASTERS,
g_num_slaves => c_NUM_WB1_SLAVES,
g_registered => TRUE,
g_wraparound => TRUE,
g_layout => c_WB_LAYOUT,
g_sdb_addr => c_SDB_ADDRESS)
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => not rst_sys_62m5,
slave_i => cnx1_master_out,
slave_o => cnx1_master_in,
master_i => cnx1_slave_out,
master_o => cnx1_slave_in);
-- VME64x Core (WB Master #1)
cmp_vme_core : xvme64x_core
port map (
clk_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => not rst_sys_62m5,
VME_AS_n_i => vme_as_n_i,
VME_RST_n_i => io_exp_init_done,
VME_WRITE_n_i => vme_write_n_i,
VME_AM_i => vme_am_i,
VME_DS_n_i => vme_ds_n_i,
VME_GA_i => vme_ga,
VME_BERR_o => open,
VME_DTACK_n_o => vme_dtack_n,
VME_RETRY_n_o => open,
VME_RETRY_OE_o => open,
VME_LWORD_n_b_i => vme_lword_n_b,
VME_LWORD_n_b_o => vme_lword_n_b_out,
VME_ADDR_b_i => vme_addr_b,
VME_DATA_b_o => vme_data_b_out,
VME_ADDR_b_o => vme_addr_b_out,
VME_DATA_b_i => vme_data_b,
VME_IRQ_n_o => vme_irq_n_o,
VME_IACK_n_i => vme_iack_n_i,
VME_IACKIN_n_i => vme_iackin_n_i,
VME_IACKOUT_n_o => vme_iackout_n_o,
VME_DTACK_OE_o => open,
VME_DATA_DIR_o => vme_data_dir_int,
VME_DATA_OE_N_o => vme_data_oe_n_o,
VME_ADDR_DIR_o => vme_addr_dir_int,
VME_ADDR_OE_N_o => vme_addr_oe_n_o,
master_o => cnx1_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_VME),
master_i => cnx1_master_in(c_WB_MASTER_VME),
irq_i => '0');
-- Handle DTACK according to VFC-HD hardware
vme_dtack_oe_o <= not vme_dtack_n;
-- VME tri-state buffers
vme_data_b <= vme_data_b_out when vme_data_dir_int = '1' else (others => 'Z');
vme_addr_b <= vme_addr_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1' else (others => 'Z');
vme_lword_n_b <= vme_lword_n_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1' else 'Z';
vme_addr_dir_o <= vme_addr_dir_int;
vme_data_dir_o <= vme_data_dir_int;
-- The WR PTP core board package (WB Slave + WB Master #2 (Etherbone))
cmp_xwrc_board_vfchd : xwrc_board_vfchd
generic map (
g_with_external_clock_input => TRUE,
g_fabric_iface => "etherbone")
port map (
clk_board_125m_i => clk_board_125m_i,
clk_board_20m_i => clk_board_20m_i,
clk_ext_10m_i => dio5_clk_i,
areset_n_i => areset_n_i,
clk_sys_62m5_o => clk_sys_62m5,
clk_ref_125m_o => clk_ref_125m,
rst_sys_62m5_o => rst_sys_62m5,
dac_ref_sync_n_o => dac_ref_sync_n_o,
dac_dmtd_sync_n_o => dac_dmtd_sync_n_o,
dac_din_o => dac_din_o,
dac_sclk_o => dac_sclk_o,
sfp_tx_o => sfp_tx_o,
sfp_rx_i => sfp_rx_i,
sfp_det_valid_i => sfp_det_valid,
sfp_data_i => sfp_data,
sfp_tx_fault_i => sfp_tx_fault,
sfp_los_i => sfp_los,
sfp_tx_disable_o => sfp_tx_disable,
eeprom_sda_i => eeprom_sda_in,
eeprom_sda_o => eeprom_sda_out,
eeprom_scl_i => eeprom_scl_in,
eeprom_scl_o => eeprom_scl_out,
onewire_i => onewire_data,
onewire_oen_o => onewire_oe,
wb_slave_o => cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_WRC),
wb_slave_i => cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_WRC),
wb_eth_master_o => cnx1_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_ETHBONE),
wb_eth_master_i => cnx1_master_in(c_WB_MASTER_ETHBONE),
pps_ext_i => dio1_i,
pps_p_o => vfchd_gpio3_o,
pps_led_o => pps_led,
led_link_o => wr_led_link,
led_act_o => wr_led_act);
-- tri-state I2C EEPROM
eeprom_sda_b <= '0' when (eeprom_sda_out = '0') else 'Z';
eeprom_sda_in <= eeprom_sda_b;
eeprom_scl_b <= '0' when (eeprom_scl_out = '0') else 'Z';
eeprom_scl_in <= eeprom_scl_b;
-- tri-state onewire access
onewire_b <= '0' when (onewire_oe = '1') else 'Z';
onewire_data <= onewire_b;
-- VFCHD I2C MUX and Arbiter
-- Presents two WB Slave ports, one to primary crossbar, one to secondary
cmp_secondary_crossbar : xwb_crossbar
generic map (
g_num_masters => c_NUM_WB2_MASTERS,
g_num_slaves => c_NUM_WB2_SLAVES,
g_registered => TRUE,
g_address => (0 => (others => '0')),
g_mask => (0 => (others => '0')))
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => not rst_sys_62m5,
slave_i => cnx2_master_out,
slave_o => cnx2_master_in,
master_i => cnx2_slave_out,
master_o => cnx2_slave_in);
-- link with primary crossbar
cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_SECOND) <= cnx2_master_in(c_WB_MASTER_PRIM);
cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_PRIM) <= cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_SECOND);
cmp_SfpIdReader : SfpIdReader
generic map (
-- g_SfpWbBaseAddress is 0x1a00.
-- X"1000" for crossbar (x"4000" >> 2 because of adapter later on)
-- X"0a00" from I2cMuxAndExpReqArbiter
g_SfpWbBaseAddress => 6656,
g_WbAddrWidth => c_wishbone_address_width)
port map (
Clk_ik => clk_sys_62m5,
SfpPlugged_i => not sfp_los,
SfpIdValid_o => sfp_det_valid,
SfpPN_b128 => sfp_data,
WbCyc_o => cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).cyc,
WbStb_o => cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).stb,
WbAddr_ob => sfp_wb_adr,
WbData_ib8 => cnx2_master_in(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).dat(7 downto 0),
WbAck_i => cnx2_master_in(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).ack);
-- address adapter needed to properly access each byte in the I2CMux
cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).adr <= sfp_wb_adr (29 downto 0) & "00";
-- Drive unused signals
cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).dat <= (others => '0');
cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).sel <= (others => '1');
cnx2_master_out(c_WB_MASTER_SFPID).we <= '0';
cmp_I2cExpAndMuxReqArbiter : I2cExpAndMuxReqArbiter
port map (
Clk_ik => clk_sys_62m5,
Rst_irq => rst_sys_62m5,
IoExpWrReq_oq => io_exp_wr_req,
IoExpWrOn_i => io_exp_wr_on,
IoExpRdReq_oq => io_exp_rd_req,
IoExpRdOn_i => io_exp_rd_on,
IoExpAddr_oqb3 => io_exp_addr,
IoExpRegAddr_oqb2 => io_exp_reg_addr,
IoExpData_oqb8 => io_exp_data,
I2cSlaveWrReq_oq => i2c_slv_wr_req,
I2cSlaveWrOn_i => i2c_slv_wr_on,
I2cSlaveRdReq_oq => i2c_slv_rd_req,
I2cSlaveRdOn_i => i2c_slv_rd_on,
I2cMuxAddress_oq => i2c_mux_addr,
I2cMuxChannel_oqb2 => i2c_mux_channel,
I2cSlaveAddr_oqb7 => i2c_slv_addr,
I2cSlaveRegAddr_oqb8 => i2c_slv_reg_addr,
I2cSlaveByte_oqb8 => i2c_slv_byte,
MasterBusy_i => i2c_mst_busy,
MasterNewByteRead_ip => i2c_mst_dav,
MasterByteOut_ib8 => i2c_mst_data,
MasterAckError_i => i2c_mst_ack_err,
IoExpApp12Int_ian => '1',
IoExpApp34Int_ian => '1',
IoExpBstEthInt_ian => io_exp_irq_bsteth_n_i,
IoExpLosInt_ian => io_exp_irq_los_n_i,
IoExpBlmInInt_ian => '1',
InitDone_oq => io_exp_init_done,
VmeGa_onqb5 => vme_ga(4 downto 0),
VmeGaP_onq => vme_ga(5),
Led_ib8 => vfchd_led,
StatusLed_ob8 => open,
GpIo1A2B_i => '0',
EnGpIo1Term_i => '0',
GpIo2A2B_i => '0',
EnGpIo2Term_i => '0',
GpIo34A2B_i => '1',
EnGpIo3Term_i => '0',
EnGpIo4Term_i => '0',
StatusGpIo1A2B_oq => open,
StatusEnGpIo1Term_oq => open,
StatusGpIo2A2B_oq => open,
StatusEnGpIo2Term_oq => open,
StatusGpIo34A2B_oq => open,
StatusEnGpIo3Term_oq => open,
StatusEnGpIo4Term_oq => open,
BlmIn_oqb8 => open,
AppSfp1Present_oq => open,
AppSfp1Id_oq16 => open,
AppSfp1TxFault_oq => open,
AppSfp1Los_oq => open,
AppSfp1TxDisable_i => '0',
AppSfp1RateSelect_i => '0',
StatusAppSfp1TxDisable_oq => open,
StatusAppSfp1RateSelect_oq => open,
AppSfp2Present_oq => open,
AppSfp2Id_oq16 => open,
AppSfp2TxFault_oq => open,
AppSfp2Los_oq => open,
AppSfp2TxDisable_i => '0',
AppSfp2RateSelect_i => '0',
StatusAppSfp2TxDisable_oq => open,
StatusAppSfp2RateSelect_oq => open,
AppSfp3Present_oq => open,
AppSfp3Id_oq16 => open,
AppSfp3TxFault_oq => open,
AppSfp3Los_oq => open,
AppSfp3TxDisable_i => '0',
AppSfp3RateSelect_i => '0',
StatusAppSfp3TxDisable_oq => open,
StatusAppSfp3RateSelect_oq => open,
AppSfp4Present_oq => open,
AppSfp4Id_oq16 => open,
AppSfp4TxFault_oq => open,
AppSfp4Los_oq => open,
AppSfp4TxDisable_i => '0',
AppSfp4RateSelect_i => '0',
StatusAppSfp4TxDisable_oq => open,
StatusAppSfp4RateSelect_oq => open,
BstSfpPresent_oq => open,
BstSfpId_oq16 => open,
BstSfpTxFault_oq => open,
BstSfpLos_oq => open,
BstSfpTxDisable_i => '0',
BstSfpRateSelect_i => '0',
StatusBstSfpTxDisable_oq => open,
StatusBstSfpRateSelect_oq => open,
EthSfpPresent_oq => open,
EthSfpId_oq16 => open,
EthSfpTxFault_oq => sfp_tx_fault,
EthSfpLos_oq => sfp_los,
EthSfpTxDisable_i => sfp_tx_disable,
EthSfpRateSelect_i => '1',
StatusEthSfpTxDisable_oq => open, -- TODO
StatusEthSfpRateSelect_oq => open,
CdrLos_oq => open,
CdrLol_oq => open,
I2cWbCyc_i => cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).cyc,
I2cWbStb_i => cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).stb,
I2cWbWe_i => cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).we,
I2cWbAdr_ib12 => i2c_wb_adr,
I2cWbDat_ib8 => i2c_wb_dat_in,
I2cWbDat_ob8 => i2c_wb_dat_out,
I2cWbAck_o => cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).ack,
WbCyc_i => cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).cyc,
WbStb_i => cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).stb,
WbWe_i => cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).we,
WbDat_ib32 => cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).dat,
WbDat_oqb32 => cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).dat,
WbAck_oa => cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).ack);
-- Adjust WB interface to VFCHD I2CMux expectations and drive unused signals
-- Adr(13 downto 10) are used to select the I2C peripheral in the mux
-- Adr(9 downto 2) are the I2C address of that peripheral
-- Adr(1 downto 0) are dropped (to allow access to the individual bytes
-- since I2CMux only provides an 8-bit output)
i2c_wb_adr <= cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).adr(13 downto 2);
i2c_wb_dat_in <= cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).dat(7 downto 0);
cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).dat <= X"000000" & i2c_wb_dat_out;
cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).err <= '0';
cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).rty <= '0';
cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).int <= '0';
cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).stall <= not cnx2_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).ack and
(cnx2_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CMUX).stb and
cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).err <= '0';
cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).rty <= '0';
cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).int <= '0';
cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).stall <= not cnx1_slave_out(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).ack and
(cnx1_slave_in(c_WB_SLAVE_I2CCFG).stb and
cmp_I2cExpAndMuxMaster : I2cExpAndMuxMaster
generic map (
g_SclHalfPeriod => "0010100000") -- 10'd160
port map (
Clk_ik => clk_sys_62m5,
Rst_irq => rst_sys_62m5,
IoExpWrReq_i => io_exp_wr_req,
IoExpWrOn_oq => io_exp_wr_on,
IoExpRdReq_i => io_exp_rd_req,
IoExpRdOn_oq => io_exp_rd_on,
IoExpAddr_ib3 => io_exp_addr,
IoExpRegAddr_ib2 => io_exp_reg_addr,
IoExpData_ib8 => io_exp_data,
I2cSlaveWrReq_i => i2c_slv_wr_req,
I2cSlaveWrOn_o => i2c_slv_wr_on,
I2cSlaveRdReq_i => i2c_slv_rd_req,
I2cSlaveRdOn_o => i2c_slv_rd_on,
I2cMuxAddress_i => i2c_mux_addr,
I2cMuxChannel_ib2 => i2c_mux_channel,
I2cSlaveAddr_ib7 => i2c_slv_addr,
I2cSlaveRegAddr_ib8 => i2c_slv_reg_addr,
I2cSlaveByte_ib8 => i2c_slv_byte,
Busy_o => i2c_mst_busy,
NewByteRead_op => i2c_mst_dav,
ByteOut_ob8 => i2c_mst_data,
AckError_op => i2c_mst_ack_err,
Scl_ioz => i2c_mux_scl_b,
Sda_ioz => i2c_mux_sda_b);
-- Remaining DIO, VFC GPIO and LEDs
-- extend pulse for PPS LEDs
cmp_gc_extend_pulse1 : gc_extend_pulse
generic map (
g_width => 5000000)
port map (
clk_i => clk_sys_62m5,
rst_n_i => not rst_sys_62m5,
pulse_i => pps_led,
extended_o => pps_led_d);
-- assign LEDs
vfchd_led <= (0 => wr_led_link,
4 => wr_led_act,
others => '0');
-- Debug: Reference clock to GPIO output
if rising_edge(clk_ref_125m) then
clk_ref_div2 <= not clk_ref_div2;
end if;
end process;
vfchd_gpio4_o <= clk_ref_div2;
-- Configure DIO LEMO1 and LEMO5 as inputs
dio1_term_en_o <= '0';
dio1_oe_n_o <= '1';
dio5_term_en_o <= '0';
dio5_oe_n_o <= '1';
dio_led_term_o <= '0';
dio_led_out_o <= pps_led_d;
fmc_enable_n_o <= '0';
end architecture top;
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