Commit 6f9e49f0 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

wr_tbi_phy (and other PHYs): added 8/16-bit disparity generator

parent 60e5dcd5
-- 8b10b disparity generator, based on 8b10b encoder core (c) Mathias Kreider
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package disparity_gen_pkg is
type t_8b10b_disparity is (RD_PLUS, RD_MINUS);
function f_next_8b10b_disparity8 (cur_disp : t_8b10b_disparity;
ctrl : std_logic;
data : std_logic_vector)
return t_8b10b_disparity;
function f_next_8b10b_disparity16 (
cur_disp : t_8b10b_disparity;
ctrl : std_logic_vector;
data : std_logic_vector)
return t_8b10b_disparity;
function to_std_logic(t : t_8b10b_disparity) return std_logic;
end disparity_gen_pkg;
package body disparity_gen_pkg is
function f_next_8b10b_disparity8(cur_disp : t_8b10b_disparity;
ctrl : std_logic;
data : std_logic_vector) return t_8b10b_disparity is
constant c_disPar_6b : std_logic_vector(0 to 31) := ("11101000100000011000000110010111");
constant c_disPar_4b : std_logic_vector(0 to 7) := ("10001001");
variable dp4bit, dp6bit : std_logic;
variable new_disp : t_8b10b_disparity;
-- use 3bit at 7-5 as index for 4bit code and disparity table \n
dp4bit := c_disPar_4b(to_integer(unsigned(data(7 downto 5))));
dp6bit := c_disPar_6b(to_integer(unsigned(data(4 downto 0))));
new_disp := cur_disp;
case cur_disp is
when RD_MINUS =>
if (ctrl xor dp6bit xor dp4bit) /= '0' then
new_disp := RD_PLUS;
end if;
when RD_PLUS =>
if (ctrl xor dp6bit xor dP4bit) /= '0' then
new_disp := RD_MINUS;
end if;
end case;
if ( data(1 downto 0) /= "00" and ctrl = '1') then
new_disp := cur_disp;
end if;
return new_disp;
end f_next_8b10b_disparity8;
function f_next_8b10b_disparity16(cur_disp : t_8b10b_disparity;
ctrl : std_logic_vector;
data : std_logic_vector) return t_8b10b_disparity is
variable tmp : t_8b10b_disparity;
variable msb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
msb := data(15 downto 8);
tmp := f_next_8b10b_disparity8(cur_disp, ctrl(1), msb);
tmp := f_next_8b10b_disparity8(tmp, ctrl(0), data(7 downto 0));
return tmp;
end f_next_8b10b_disparity16;
function to_std_logic(t : t_8b10b_disparity) return std_logic is
if(t = RD_MINUS) then
return '0';
return '1';
end if;
end to_std_logic;
end package body;
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