Commit 7760c768 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

bugfix: hanged when dreq=low from PCS at the last word (EOF from CRC) -> one of…

bugfix: hanged when dreq=low from PCS at the last word (EOF from CRC) -> one of reaons: ugly bug in pack_fifo_content function
parent fe57ce0b
......@@ -423,7 +423,10 @@ package body endpoint_private_pkg is
dout(13) <= fab.error;
dout(12 downto 0) <= (others => 'X');
dout_valid <= '1';
elsif(fab.eof = '1') then
elsif(fab.eof = '1' and
fab.dvalid = '1') then -- ML: it happened that the last word was "stalled" by PCS (dreq_i LOW)
-- at the EOF... CRC indiated that this word is not valid (dvalid LOW)
-- but this information was ignored... and tx was hanging the tree
-- tag = 1x
dout(17) <= '1';
dout(16) <= fab.bytesel;
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ end ep_tx_header_processor;
architecture behavioral of ep_tx_header_processor is
constant c_IFG_LENGTH : integer := g_force_gap_length ;--6;
constant c_IFG_LENGTH : integer := g_force_gap_length ;--0;
......@@ -467,12 +467,18 @@ begin -- behavioral
when TXF_DATA =>
-- ML: added this EOF force LOW to make sure that EOF is single cycle, withouth
-- this, it might have happened that we had eof_p1 but PCS was busy, so we set
-- src_fab_o.eof to HIGH but actually did not exit the TXF_DATA state... this
-- caused EOF to be longer than one cycle
src_fab_o.eof <= '0';
if(eof_p1 = '1') then
src_fab_o.eof <= '1';
counter <= (others => '0');
if(g_force_gap_length = 0 and bitsel_d = '1') then -- only for odd
-- if(g_force_gap_length = 0 ) then
-- Submit the TX timestamp to the TXTSU queue
if(oob.valid = '1' and oob.oob_type = c_WRF_OOB_TYPE_TX) then
if(pcs_busy_i = '0') then
......@@ -482,14 +488,18 @@ begin -- behavioral
txtsu_port_id_o <= regs_i.ecr_portid_o;
txtsu_fid_o <= oob.frame_id;
end if;
-- wait in the GAP state for pcs_busy_i LOW
state <= TXF_GAP;
end if; ---if(pcs_busy_i = '0') then
-- dont need timestamp, don't need GAP, just go to IDLE
state <= TXF_IDLE;
end if;
end if; -- if(oob.valid = '1' and oob.oob_type = c_WRF_OOB_TYPE_TX) then
else -- need some GAP
state <= TXF_GAP;
end if;
end if;
end if; -- f(g_force_gap_length = 0 and bitsel_d = '1') then
end if; -- if(eof_p1 = '1') then
if(snk_valid = '1' and wb_snk_i.adr = c_WRF_DATA) then <= wb_snk_i.dat;
......@@ -519,7 +529,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
wb_out.rty <= '0';
src_fab_o.bytesel <= '0';
if(counter = c_IFG_LENGTH or g_force_gap_length = 0) then
if(counter >= c_IFG_LENGTH or g_force_gap_length = 0) then
-- Submit the TX timestamp to the TXTSU queue
if(oob.valid = '1' and oob.oob_type = c_WRF_OOB_TYPE_TX) then
......@@ -539,7 +549,15 @@ begin -- behavioral
counter <= counter + 1;
end if;
when TXF_STORE_TSTAMP => -- to slow ??? anyway, we can finish the frame
src_fab_o.eof <= '0';
src_fab_o.error <= '0';
src_fab_o.dvalid <= '0';
wb_out.err <= '0';
wb_out.rty <= '0';
src_fab_o.bytesel<= '0';
if(txtsu_ack_i = '1') then
txtsu_stb_o <= '0';
state <= TXF_IDLE;
......@@ -584,7 +602,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- when data is flowing (TXF_DATA) or we expect data (TXF_IDLE) stall only when no dreq_i
-- from other modules
elsif(src_dreq_i = '1' and state /= TXF_GAP and state /= TXF_ABORT and state /= TXF_DELAYED_SOF) then
elsif(src_dreq_i = '1' and state /= TXF_GAP and state /= TXF_ABORT and state /= TXF_DELAYED_SOF and state /= TXF_STORE_TSTAMP) then
wb_out.stall <= '0'; -- during data/header phase - whenever
-- the sink is ready to accept data
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