Commit 903ba03a authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

testbench: Create Makefile to be used by CI

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent b18df73e
# This Makefile can be called by the Continuous Integration (CI) tool to execute all
# testbenches added for CI
all: $(TB_DIRS)
echo $@
@echo "Run HDL-MAKE"
cd "$@"; \
source $(ISE_PATH)/; \
export XILINX=$(ISE_PATH); \
$(HDLMAKE_PATH)/hdl-make 2>&1
@echo "Run make"
$(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET)
@echo "Run vsim"
cd "$@"; \
vsim -c -do ""
for d in $(TB_DIRS); do \
if [ -f $$d/Makefile ]; then \
$(MAKE) -C $$d $@; \
rm -f $$d/Makefile; \
fi \
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