Commit b7f11baf authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

default single ended PPS_in

parent 62942faa
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ entity spec7_write_top is
-- Simulation-mode enable parameter. Set by default (synthesis) to 0, and
-- changed to non-zero in the instantiation of the top level DUT in the testbench.
-- Its purpose is to reduce some internal counters/timeouts to speed up simulations.
g_simulation : integer := 0
g_simulation : integer := 0;
g_use_pps_in_single : boolean := TRUE
port (
......@@ -469,7 +470,7 @@ AXI2WB : xwb_axi4lite_bridge
-- B05, B06 125 MHz Reference Clock In (Bank 111 W6,W5)
-- B07, B08 RX Spare GTX Out (Bank 112 GTX3 T4, T3)
-- B09, B10 NC
-- B11, B12 NC
-- B11, B12 PPS_IN single ended, NC (Bank 13 AE23, )
cmp_obuf_abscal_txts : OBUFDS
port map (
......@@ -483,14 +484,26 @@ AXI2WB : xwb_axi4lite_bridge
O => pps_p_o,
OB => pps_n_o);
cmp_ibuf_pps_in: IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => true)
port map (
O => wrc_pps_in,
I => pps_p_i,
IB => pps_n_i);
-- Type of PPS_IN input:
-- Differential LVDS
-- Or
-- Single ended 5V capable
gen_pps_in_single : if (g_use_pps_in_single = TRUE) generate
wrc_pps_in <= pps_i;
end generate gen_pps_in_single;
gen_pps_in_diff : if (g_use_pps_in_single = FALSE) generate
cmp_ibuf_pps_in: IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => true)
port map (
O => wrc_pps_in,
I => pps_p_i,
IB => pps_n_i);
end generate gen_pps_in_diff;
cmp_obuf_10mhz_out : OBUFDS
port map (
I => clk_10m_out,
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