Commit ca539d2a authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

minic: support big and little endian

parent 264f1d32
......@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_mini_nic is
end component;
function f_buf_swap_endian_32
function f_swap_endian_16
data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
data : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
) return std_logic_vector is
if(g_buffer_little_endian = true) then
return data(7 downto 0) & data(15 downto 8) & data(23 downto 16) & data(31 downto 24);
return data(7 downto 0) & data(15 downto 8);
return data;
end if;
end function f_buf_swap_endian_32;
end function f_swap_endian_16;
signal src_cyc_int : std_logic;
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_stb_int <= '1';
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_STATUS;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(txf_data);
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_PACKET;
......@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
if (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_ferror = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_DATA) then
-- normal situation, we send the payload of a frame
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(txf_data);
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
......@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_ferror = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_BYTESEL) then
-- almost normal situation, only one byte of data is valid
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(txf_data);
src_sel_o <= "10";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
......@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_ferror = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_OOB) then
-- we got OOB in TXed frame, let's send it
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_OOB;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(txf_data);
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
......@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
elsif ((tx_fifo_empty = '1' or txf_fnew = '1') and src_stall_i = '0') then
-- we done with this frame
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(txf_data);
src_stb_int <= '0';
src_sel_o <= "11";
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
......@@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_cyc_int <= '1';
if (src_stall_i = '0' and (ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_DATA or ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_OOB)) then
src_adr_o <= ntx_stored_type;
src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(ntx_stored_dat);
src_sel_o <= "11";
elsif (src_stall_i = '0' and ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_BYTESEL) then
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
src_dat_o <= f_swap_endian_16(ntx_stored_dat);
src_sel_o <= "10";
src_stb_int <= '1';
......@@ -617,11 +617,11 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- receive frame, write it to FIFO
if (snk_stb_i = '1' and snk_sel_i = "11") then
rxf_type <= snk_adr_i;
rxf_data <= snk_dat_i;
rxf_data <= f_swap_endian_16(snk_dat_i);
rx_fifo_we <= '1';
elsif (snk_stb_i = '1' and snk_sel_i = "10") then
rxf_type <= c_WRF_BYTESEL;
rxf_data <= snk_dat_i;
rxf_data <= f_swap_endian_16(snk_dat_i);
rx_fifo_we <= '1';
rxf_type <= (others=>'0');
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