Commit f7d928eb authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat Committed by Miguel Jimenez Lopez

kernel/wr-nic: Remove annoying warning message asking for the phy

- Remove only for write in #72557df
- NetworkManger (Unbuntu LTS 12.04) insists on accessing to the phy
when it is used from LM32 and flood the dmesg so we remove the warning.
parent 7b6b7c1b
......@@ -56,7 +56,12 @@ int wrn_phy_read(struct net_device *dev, int phy_id, int location)
u32 val;
if (WR_IS_NODE) {
WARN_ON(1); /* SPEC: no access */
* We cannot access the phy from Linux, because the phy
* is managed by the lm32 core. However, network manager
* insists on doing that, so we'd better not warn about it
//WARN_ON(1); /* SPEC: no access */
return -1;
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