Commit e722feff authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Marek Gumiński

[PSU] simple snooping should work, added config-bit to ignore PortID, to be configured through WB

parent e69a811a
......@@ -14,6 +14,29 @@
-- and UDP) and extracts from them required info on the fly, i.e. sequence ID and
-- clock class)
-- useful:
-- Where | what | offset 16bit words | value
-- Ethernet header | EtherType | 6 from start of header | 0x88F7 (PTP), 0x8100 (VLAN), 0x0800 (IP),
-- VLAN tag | EtherType | 2 from EtherType | 0x88F7 (PTP), 0x0800 (IP)
-- IP header v4 | ProtoType | 5 from EtherType raw/tagged | ?? bits [7:0] = 0x11 (UDP)
-- UDP header | DstPort | 7 from IPv4 ProtoType | 0x0140 (320 -> general message)
-- PTP header | MsgType | 1 from EtherType raw/tagged | [3:0]=0x2 (PTPv2) and [11:8]=0xB (announce)
-- PTP header | MsgType | 3 from EtherType UDP dstPort | [3:0]=0x2 (PTPv2) and [11:8]=0xB (announce)
-- PTP header | PortID |10 from MsgType | 5 words to check
-- PTP header | SeqID | 1 from PortID end | remember
-- PTP header | SeqID |15 from MsgType | remember
-- PTP Announce | ClkClass | 9 from SeqID | remember
-- TODO:
-- - check which octect of the word is IPv4 ProtoType
-- - check IHL options for IP
-- - check whcih octect for the word of PTP msg type
-- -
-- Copyright (c) 2015 CERN / BE-CO-HT
......@@ -80,7 +103,10 @@ entity psu_announce_snooper is
-- indicates the snooped clock_class (rx)
clock_class_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_class_valid_o : out std_logic
clock_class_valid_o : out std_logic;
-- config:
ignore_rx_port_id_i : in std_logic
......@@ -106,6 +132,7 @@ architecture behavioral of psu_announce_snooper is
signal data : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal addr : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
signal stb : std_logic;
signal oob_valid : std_logic;
signal data_valid : std_logic;
signal word_cnt : unsigned(7 downto 0); -- just enough of cnt to detect interestng stuff
signal next_offset : unsigned(7 downto 0); -- just enough of cnt to detect interestng stuff
......@@ -113,10 +140,12 @@ architecture behavioral of psu_announce_snooper is
signal cyc_d : std_logic;
signal ptp_source_id_addr : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal port_mask : std_logic_vector(g_port_number-1 downto 0);
signal detect_mask : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- for port id from OOB of 5 bits
-- data stored in "data" is being acked by snk | data cnt is incremented
data_valid <= '1' when (snk_i.cyc = '1' and snk_i.stb = '1' and src_i.stall = '0') else '0';
data_valid <= '1' when (snk_i.cyc = '1' and snk_i.stb = '1' and src_i.stall = '0' and snk_i.adr="00") else '0';
oob_valid <= '1' when (snk_i.cyc = '1' and snk_i.stb = '1' and src_i.stall = '0' and snk_i.adr="01") else '0';
data <= snk_i.dat when (snk_i.cyc = '1' and snk_i.stb = '1' and src_i.stall = '0') else (others => '0');
process_data: process(clk_sys_i,rst_n_i)
......@@ -131,7 +160,7 @@ begin
if(snk_i.cyc = '0') then
word_cnt <= (others =>'0');
elsif(snk_i.cyc = '1' and snk_i.stb = '1' and src_i.stall = '0' and snk_i.adr = "00") then
elsif(data_valid = '1') then
word_cnt <= word_cnt + 1;
end if;
......@@ -153,7 +182,8 @@ begin
clock_class_o <= (others=>'0');
clock_class_valid_o <= '0';
port_mask <= (others=>'0');
rxtx_detected_mask_o <= (others=>'0');
detect_mask<= (others=>'0');
case state is
......@@ -169,7 +199,7 @@ begin
clock_class_o <= (others=>'0');
clock_class_valid_o <= '0';
port_mask <= rtu_dst_port_mask_i;
rxtx_detected_mask_o <= (others=>'0');
detect_mask <= (others=>'0');
end if;
......@@ -191,7 +221,7 @@ begin
next_offset <= next_offset + 2;
elsif(data = x"0800") then -- IP frame
state <= WAIT_UDP_PROTO;
next_offset <= next_offset + 6;
next_offset <= next_offset + 5;
state <= WAIT_SOF; -- we are done, it's not announce
end if;
......@@ -206,7 +236,7 @@ begin
next_offset <= next_offset + 1;
elsif(data = x"0800") then -- IP frame
state <= WAIT_UDP_PROTO;
next_offset <= next_offset + 6;
next_offset <= next_offset + 5;
state <= WAIT_SOF; -- we are done, it's not announce
end if;
......@@ -217,7 +247,7 @@ begin
if(data_valid = '1' and word_cnt = next_offset) then
if(data(7 downto 0) = x"11") then -- 17 is the UDP protocol
state <= WAIT_PTP_PORT;
next_offset <= next_offset + 15;
next_offset <= next_offset + 7;
state <= WAIT_SOF; -- we are done, it's not announce
end if;
......@@ -226,9 +256,9 @@ begin
if(data_valid = '1' and word_cnt = next_offset) then
if(data = x"013F") then
if(data = x"0140") then
state <= WAIT_MSG_TYPE;
next_offset <= next_offset + 4;
next_offset <= next_offset + 3;
state <= WAIT_SOF; -- we are done, it's not announce
end if;
......@@ -248,8 +278,7 @@ begin
if(data_valid = '1' and word_cnt = next_offset) then
if(g_snoop_mode = TX_SEQ_ID_MODE) then
if(g_snoop_mode = TX_SEQ_ID_MODE or ignore_rx_port_id_i = '1') then
state <= SEQ_ID;
next_offset <= next_offset + 5;
......@@ -278,15 +307,15 @@ begin
when SEQ_ID =>
if(data_valid = '1' and word_cnt = next_offset) then
seq_id_o <= data;
seq_id_valid_o <= '1';
if(g_snoop_mode = TX_SEQ_ID_MODE) then
if(g_snoop_mode = RX_CLOCK_CLASS_MODE) then
next_offset <= next_offset + 9;
state <= WAIT_SOF;
rxtx_detected_mask_o<= port_mask;
elsif(g_snoop_mode = RX_CLOCK_CLASS_MODE) then
next_offset <= next_offset + 8;
detect_mask(g_port_number-1 downto 0) <= port_mask;
detect_mask(31 downto g_port_number) <= (others =>'0');
end if;
end if;
......@@ -294,14 +323,14 @@ begin
if(data_valid = '1' and word_cnt = next_offset) then
state <= WAIT_OOB;
clock_class_o <= data(15 downto 0);
clock_class_o <= data;
clock_class_valid_o <= '1';
end if;
when WAIT_OOB =>
if(snk_i.adr = "01" and data_valid = '1') then -- 1st OOB word
rxtx_detected_mask_o <= f_onehot_decode(data(4 downto 0));
if(oob_valid = '1') then -- 1st OOB word
detect_mask <= f_onehot_decode(data(4 downto 0));
state <= WAIT_SOF;
end if;
......@@ -313,6 +342,6 @@ begin
end process;
ptp_source_id_addr_o <=std_logic_vector(ptp_source_id_addr);
rxtx_detected_mask_o <=detect_mask(g_port_number-1 downto 0);
end behavioral;
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ package psu_pkg is
seq_id_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
seq_id_valid_o : out std_logic;
clock_class_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
clock_class_valid_o : out std_logic);
clock_class_valid_o : out std_logic;
ignore_rx_port_id_i : in std_logic);
end component;
end psu_pkg;
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ begin
seq_id_o => tx_seq_id,
seq_id_valid_o => tx_seq_id_valid,
clock_class_o => open,
clock_class_valid_o => open);
clock_class_valid_o => open,
ignore_rx_port_id_i => '1');
rx_snooper: psu_announce_snooper
generic map(
......@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ begin
seq_id_o => open,
seq_id_valid_o => open,
clock_class_o => rx_clock_class,
clock_class_valid_o => rx_clock_class_valid);
clock_class_valid_o => rx_clock_class_valid,
ignore_rx_port_id_i => '1');
-- RXTX_RAM : generic_dpram
-- generic map (
......@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ module main;
'h00,'h00,'h00,'h00,'h00,'h00, //6 -11: src addr (to be filled in ?)
'hDE,'hED}; //12-13: EtherType
byte ANNOUNCE_templ[] ='{'h0B, // transport specific | message type
byte ANNOUNCE_templ[] ='{//PTP header
'h0B, // transport specific | message type
'h02, // reserved | version type
'h40, // message length
'h00, // message length
......@@ -281,8 +282,26 @@ module main;
'hAB, // seqID 1
'hCD, // seqID 2
'h00, // correctionField
'h00 // logMessageInterval
//skipp rest....
'h00, // logMessageInterval
//// PTP Announce
'h00, // originalTimestamp 1
'h00, // originalTimestamp 2
'h00, // originalTimestamp 3
'h00, // originalTimestamp 4
'h00, // originalTimestamp 5
'h00, // originalTimestamp 6
'h00, // originalTimestamp 7
'h00, // originalTimestamp 8
'h00, // originalTimestamp 9
'h00, // originalTimestamp 10
'h00, // currentUtcOffset 1
'h00, // currentUtcOffset 2
'h00, // reserved
'h00, // grandmasterPriorit1
'h07, // gandmasterClockQuality 1 -> clockClass ?
'h00, // gandmasterClockQuality 2 -> clockAccuracy
'h00, // gandmasterClockQuality 3 -> offsetScaledLogVariance;
'h00 // gandmasterClockQuality 4 -> offsetScaledLogVariance;
integer inj_gen_frame_size = 225;
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