Commit 073148d6 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

swcore: output_block bugfix

parent cfe39eca
......@@ -431,7 +431,8 @@ begin -- behavoural
rx_sof_p1 <= '0';
pgreq <= '1';
dreq <= '1';
--dreq <= '1';
dreq <= '0';
waiting_pck_start <='1';
......@@ -444,7 +445,8 @@ begin -- behavoural
rx_sof_p1 <= '0';
re_pgreq <= '1';
dreq <= '1';
--dreq <= '1';
dreq <= '0';--added
......@@ -594,12 +596,12 @@ begin -- behavoural
end if;
elsif( mpm_drdy_i = '1') then
elsif( (mpm_drdy_i = '1' or rx_sof_p1 = '1') and waiting_pck_start = '0') then
rx_valid <= '1';
rx_bytesel <= '0';
dreq <= '1'; --added
if(mpm_ctrl_i = b"1111") then
rx_ctrl <= b"0111";
......@@ -628,6 +630,7 @@ begin -- behavoural
mpm_sync_i = '1' and -- we've got sync, which means that data will be read
pgreq_or = '0' ) then -- if page is request on the sync, it will be read in next sync
dreq <= '1'; -- added
rx_sof_p1 <= '1';
waiting_pck_start <= '0';
......@@ -881,7 +884,7 @@ begin -- behavoural
mpm_pgaddr_o <= rd_data(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0) when (pgreq = '1') else pck_start_pgaddr;
--rd_data(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0); -- read_data;
mpm_dreq_o <= dreq and rx_dreq_i and not rx_tabort_p1_i;
mpm_dreq_o <= (dreq and rx_dreq_i and (not rx_tabort_p1_i)) or pgreq;-- and (not waiting_pck_start);
-- rx_valid <= mpm_drdy_i when (state = READ_MPM) else '0';
-- rx_eof_p1 <= cnt_last_word and rx_valid;
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