Commit 15b390a7 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

sim/ added bucketing

parent dd985d1d
......@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ typedef struct {
bit drop;
} rtu_vlan_entry_t;
`define RTU_HTAB_SIZE 2048
`define RTU_HTAB_SIZE 512
class CRTUSimDriver;
const int bucket_size = 8;
extern task set_bus(CBusAccessor _bus, int _base_addr);
extern task add_hash_entry(rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
......@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ class CRTUSimDriver;
// extern task run();
extern protected task htab_write(int hash, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
extern protected task htab_write(int hash, int bucket, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
extern protected task mfifo_write(int addr, int size, bit[31:0] data[]);
......@@ -85,19 +87,20 @@ class CRTUSimDriver;
endtask // enable
protected rtu_filtering_entry_t htab[`RTU_HTAB_SIZE];
protected rtu_filtering_entry_t htab[`RTU_HTAB_SIZE][`RTU_HTAB_BUCKET_SIZE];
endclass // CRTUSimDriver
task CRTUSimDriver::set_bus(CBusAccessor _bus, int _base_addr);
int i;
int i, j;
$display("CRTUSimDriver::created (base address 0x%x)", _base_addr);
htab[i].valid = 1'b0;
htab[i][j].valid = 1'b0;
bus = _bus;
bus = _bus;
base_addr = _base_addr;
......@@ -141,7 +144,7 @@ endtask // CRTUSimDriver
task CRTUSimDriver::htab_write(int hash, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
task CRTUSimDriver::htab_write(int hash, int bucket, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
bit[31:0] d[5];
d[0] = (('hFF & ent.mac[0]) << 24) |
......@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ task CRTUSimDriver::htab_write(int hash, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
(('hFF & ent.fid) << 4) |
(('h1 & ent.go_to_cam) << 3) |
(('h1 & ent.is_bpdu) << 2) |
(('h1 & ent.end_of_bucket) << 1) |
// (('h1 & ent.end_of_bucket) << 1) |
(('h1 & ent.valid ) ) ;
d[1] =
......@@ -176,21 +179,35 @@ task CRTUSimDriver::htab_write(int hash, rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
d[4] = 0;
mfifo_write(hash * 8 * 4, 5, d);
mfifo_write(hash * 8 * 4 + bucket * 8, 5, d);
endtask // CRTUSimDriver
task CRTUSimDriver::add_hash_entry(rtu_filtering_entry_t ent);
int bucket= 0 ,i;
bit[15:0] hash;
hash = mac_hash(ent.mac, ent.fid);
$display("MACHash: %x", hash);
htab_write(hash, ent);
if(bucket == `RTU_HTAB_BUCKET_SIZE)
$error("No free buckets for hash %x", hash);
$display("MACHash: %x, bucket %d", hash, bucket);
htab_write(hash, bucket, ent);
htab[hash][bucket] = ent;
endtask // CRTUSimDriver
task CRTUSimDriver::set_port_config(int port, bit pass_all, bit pass_bpdu, bit learn_en);
......@@ -232,7 +249,7 @@ function bit[15:0] CRTUSimDriver::mac_hash(bit[7:0] mac[], bit[7:0] fid);
hash = crc16(hash, (mac[0] <<8) | mac[1]);
hash = crc16(hash, (mac[2] <<8) | mac[3]);
hash = crc16(hash, (mac[4] <<8) | mac[5]);
return hash & 'h1ff;
return hash & (`RTU_HTAB_SIZE-1);
endfunction // mac_hash
......@@ -241,7 +258,7 @@ task CRTUSimDriver::add_static_rule(bit[7:0] dmac[], bit[31:0] dpm);
ent.mac = dmac;
ent.valid = 1'b1;
ent.end_of_bucket = 0;
// ent.end_of_bucket = 1;
ent.is_bpdu = 0;
ent.fid = 0;
ent.port_mask_dst = dpm;
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