Commit 1bef19e3 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

RTU: 1) not forwarding to CPU urecognized broadcast; 2) not going through…

RTU: 1) not forwarding to CPU urecognized broadcast; 2) not going through LEARN_SRC when DST_MAC not found; 3) correcting pass_pbdu behavior (overrides pass_all only if pass_all is FALSE)
parent c9d32dc7
......@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2010-05-08 1.0 lipinskimm Created
-- 2010-05-22 1.1 lipinskimm revised, developed further
-- 2013-03-24 1.2 lipinskimm aging bugfix
-- 2013-03-24 1.3 lipinskimm no ureq for unrecognized destination MAC
-- 2013-03-24 1.2 mlipinsk aging bugfix: don't update aram when DST_MAC found
-- 2013-04-12 1.3 mlipinsk 1. no ureq for unrecognized destination MAC
-- 2. pass_bpdu overrides only pass_all = FALSE
-- 3. entering LEARN_SRC only for SRC_MAC search
......@@ -338,12 +340,14 @@ architecture behavioral of rtu_match is
signal requesting_port : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal zeros : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal s_urec_broadcast_mask : std_logic_vector(c_RTU_MAX_PORTS-1 downto 0);-- ML (11/04/2013)
--| Address outs and flag generation and
zeros <= (others =>'0');
--| Hash calculation
......@@ -352,6 +356,10 @@ begin
-- will start calculating hash (which takes time)
s_hash_input_fid <= vlan_tab_entry_i.fid;
-- ML (11/04/2013) : to prevent broadcasting of unrecognized frames to CPU
s_urec_broadcast_mask(g_num_ports-1 downto 0) <= (others =>'1');
s_urec_broadcast_mask(c_RTU_MAX_PORTS-1 downto g_num_ports) <= (others =>'0');
--source hash calculate
U_rtu_match_hash_src : rtu_crc
port map(
......@@ -672,9 +680,7 @@ begin
if(htab_found_i = '1') then
-- update aging aram (in any case that entry was found,
-- even if dropped later, we update aging aram
-- ML (24/03/2013): aging bugfix : update aging only for destination found
-- ML (24/03/2013): aging bugfix : update aging only for source found
-- s_aram_main_data_o <= rtu_aram_main_data_i or f_onehot_encode(to_integer(unsigned(s_aram_bitsel_msb & htab_entry_i.bucket_entry)), 32);
-- s_aram_main_wr <= '1';
......@@ -683,7 +689,7 @@ begin
if(s_src_dst_sel = '0') then
-- ML (24/03/2013): aging bugfix : update aging only for destination found
-- ML (24/03/2013): aging bugfix : update aging only for source found
-- update aging aram (in any case that entry was found,
-- even if dropped later, we update aging aram
s_aram_main_data_o <= rtu_aram_main_data_i or f_onehot_encode(to_integer(unsigned(s_aram_bitsel_msb & htab_entry_i.bucket_entry)), 32);
......@@ -805,7 +811,8 @@ begin
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
-- s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= s_urec_broadcast_mask; -- ML(11/04/2013)
s_dst_entry_is_bpdu <= '0'; -- changed
end if; -- if( s_src_dst_sel = '0') then
......@@ -814,20 +821,14 @@ begin
-- learning fifo, and we have not yet
-- stored info about this request
if((rtu_ufifo_wr_full_i = '0') and (s_rtu_pcr_learn_en = '1') and (s_rq_learned_reg = '0')) then
mstate <= LEARN_SRC;
-- ML 24/03/2013: urecognized request only for unrecognized source MAC
if(s_src_dst_sel = '0') then
s_rtu_ufifo_wr_req <= '1';
if((rtu_ufifo_wr_full_i = '0') and (s_rtu_pcr_learn_en = '1') and (s_rq_learned_reg = '0')
-- ML 24/03/2013: we don't need to make unrecongized request
-- for destination unrecognized MAC - we have no idea
-- where to forward it anyway
-- It is a big hackish solution to avoid too big changes (not the most
-- optimal speed-wise)
s_rtu_ufifo_wr_req <= '0';
end if;
and s_src_dst_sel = '0') then
mstate <= LEARN_SRC;
s_rtu_ufifo_wr_req <= '1';
-- for some reasons we don't want to learn
......@@ -903,7 +904,8 @@ begin
-- so we broardcast
s_dst_entry_is_bpdu <= '0';
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
-- s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= s_urec_broadcast_mask; -- ML(11/04/2013)
-- not broadcast unrecognized requests = drop
......@@ -983,7 +985,9 @@ begin
s_dst_entry_is_bpdu <= '0';
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
-- s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= (others => '1');
s_dst_entry_port_mask_dst <= s_urec_broadcast_mask; -- ML(11/04/2013)
end if;
......@@ -1054,7 +1058,9 @@ begin
-- if we are in pass_bpdu, and the dst
-- entry is not bpdu, drop
if((s_rtu_pcr_pass_bpdu = '1') and (s_dst_entry_is_bpdu = '0')) then
if((s_rtu_pcr_pass_bpdu = '1') and (s_dst_entry_is_bpdu = '0')
--ML(12/04/2013): to make pass_bpdu work both for pass_all TRUE and FALSE
and ((requesting_port and rtu_pcr_pass_all_i) = zeros)) then
s_rsp_drop <= '1';
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