Commit 65da4bdf authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[swcore/top] added initalization of un-initialized registers+comments

parent e97c8567
......@@ -44,7 +44,13 @@ package wrsw_shared_types_pkg is
drop : std_logic;
respMask : std_logic_vector(c_RTU_MAX_PORTS-1 downto 0); -- mask with 1 at requesting port
end record;
constant c_tru_response_zero : t_tru_response := (
valid => '0',
port_mask => (others => '0'),
drop => '0',
respMask => (others => '0'));
type t_tru_request_array is array(integer range <>) of t_tru_request;
type t_tru_response_array is array(integer range <>) of t_tru_response;
......@@ -304,6 +304,12 @@ architecture behavoural of xswc_output_block_new is
signal send_FSM : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal prep_FSM : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- In theory stall is making sure the proper gap is there,but in case... two cycles
-- are needed between falling and rising edge of cyc output signal in order for EP
-- to prepare for new frame. actually, it is :
-- * one cycle for odd
-- * two cycles for even - we make artificially gap more by one, so things work the same
-- for odd and even (the same gap between)
constant tx_interframe_gap : unsigned(3 downto 0) := x"1";-- x"2"; !!!! changed it on 8-Nov-2013, brave thing to change something that almost works
-- if TRUE, any time a retry request is received from EP (most probably PCS), the request
......@@ -427,6 +433,7 @@ begin -- behavoural
dp_valid <= '0';
free_dped_pck_req <= '0';
free_dped_pck_addr <= (others =>'0');
mm_valid <= '0';
......@@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ package wrsw_tru_pkg is
inject_user_value : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ;
end record;
constant c_tru2ep_zero : t_tru2ep := (
link_kill => '0',
fc_pause_req => '0',
fc_pause_delay => (others => '0'),
inject_req => '0',
inject_packet_sel => (others => '0'),
inject_user_value => (others => '0'));
type t_ep2tru is record
status : std_logic;
-- ctrlRd : std_logic;
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ end scb_top_bare;
architecture rtl of scb_top_bare is
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12_11_13_01"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"13_11_13_03"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_NUM_WB_SLAVES : integer := 16;
constant c_NUM_PORTS : integer := g_num_ports;
constant c_MAX_PORTS : integer := 18;
......@@ -831,6 +831,8 @@ begin
gen_no_TRU : if(g_with_TRU = false) generate
swc2tru_req <= c_zero_gl_pause;
tru2ep <= (others => c_tru2ep_zero);
tru_resp <= c_tru_response_zero;
tru_enabled <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_TRU).ack <= '1';
end generate gen_no_TRU;
......@@ -1132,22 +1134,22 @@ begin
-- TRIG3(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
-- ----------------------------- dbg_epj.v2
TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
TRIG0(1)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
TRIG0(1)(23 downto 19) <= phys_i(0).rx_bitslide;
TRIG0(1)(31 downto 24) <= ep_dbg_rx_buf_array(0);
TRIG1(1)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
TRIG2(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG3(1)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
TRIG3(1)(17 downto 16) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG3(1)( 18) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG3(1)( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
-- TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
-- TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
-- TRIG0(1)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
-- TRIG0(1)(23 downto 19) <= phys_i(0).rx_bitslide;
-- TRIG0(1)(31 downto 24) <= ep_dbg_rx_buf_array(0);
-- TRIG1(1)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
-- TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
-- TRIG2(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
-- TRIG3(1)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
-- TRIG3(1)(17 downto 16) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
-- TRIG3(1)( 18) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
-- TRIG3(1)( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
-- TRIG3(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
-- ----------------------------- dbg_epj.v3
-- TRIG0(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
......@@ -1247,8 +1249,8 @@ begin
-- TRIG3(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
----------------------------- dbg_epj new-v7
TRIG0(0)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data ;
----------------------------- dbg_id0
TRIG0(0)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
TRIG0(0)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
TRIG0(0)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
TRIG0(0)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
......@@ -1267,7 +1269,7 @@ begin
TRIG1(0)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack;
TRIG1(0)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;
TRIG2(0)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
TRIG2(0)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path
TRIG2(0)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(0)( 30) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(0)( 31) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
......@@ -1277,13 +1279,76 @@ begin
TRIG3(0)(23 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat(7 downto 0);
gen_18P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 18 ) generate
TRIG3(0)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(431 downto 424); -- for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
TRIG3(0)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(431 downto 424); --p7 for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
TRIG3(1)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(431 downto 424); --p7 for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
TRIG3(2)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(503 downto 496); --p16 for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
TRIG3(3)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(511 downto 504); --p17 for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
end generate gen_18P_out_blk_states;
gen_8P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 8 ) generate
TRIG3(0)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(271 downto 264); -- for 8 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
TRIG3(1)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(271 downto 264); -- for 8 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
end generate gen_8P_out_blk_states;
----------------------------- dbg_id1
TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat;
TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).adr(1 downto 0);
TRIG0(1)( 18) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack;
TRIG0(1)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG0(1)( 28) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;
TRIG0(1)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).cyc;
TRIG0(1)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).stb;
TRIG0(1)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).stall;
TRIG1(1)(21 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(63 downto 42); -- tx_path
TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path
TRIG2(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(1)( 30) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(1)( 31) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(1)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
gen_18P_chip: if(g_num_ports = 18 ) generate
----------------------------- dbg_id2
TRIG0(2)(15 downto 0) <= endpoint_snk_in(16).dat;
TRIG0(2)(17 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(16).adr(1 downto 0);
TRIG0(2)( 18) <= endpoint_snk_out(16).ack;
TRIG0(2)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(16);
TRIG0(2)( 28) <= endpoint_snk_out(16).err;
TRIG0(2)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(16).cyc;
TRIG0(2)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(16).stb;
TRIG0(2)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(16).stall;
TRIG1(2)(21 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(16)(63 downto 42);
TRIG2(2)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(16)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path
TRIG2(2)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(2)( 30) <= phys_i(16).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(2)( 31) <= phys_i(16).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(2)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(16);
----------------------------- dbg_id3
TRIG0(3)(15 downto 0) <= endpoint_snk_in(17).dat;
TRIG0(3)(17 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(17).adr(1 downto 0);
TRIG0(3)( 18) <= endpoint_snk_out(17).ack;
TRIG0(3)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(17);
TRIG0(3)( 28) <= endpoint_snk_out(17).err;
TRIG0(3)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(17).cyc;
TRIG0(3)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(17).stb;
TRIG0(3)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(17).stall;
TRIG1(3)(21 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(17)(63 downto 42);
TRIG2(3)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(17)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path
TRIG2(3)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(3)( 30) <= phys_i(17).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(3)( 31) <= phys_i(17).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(3)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(17);
end generate gen_18P_chip;
----------------------------- dbg_epj new - v8
-- TRIG0(2)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data ;
-- TRIG0(2)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
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