Commit 7cea92fd authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

SWcore: small corrections to make the new stuff working: HP-traffic recognision…

SWcore: small corrections to make the new stuff working: HP-traffic recognision received by SWcore from RTU, output dropping at HP config
parent 7fa80ce1
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ architecture rtl of xswc_core is
rtu_rsp_ack_o => rtu_ack_o(i),
rtu_rsp_valid_i => rtu_rsp_i(i).valid,
rtu_dst_port_mask_i => rtu_rsp_i(i).port_mask(g_num_ports - 1 downto 0),
rtu_hp_i => '0', -- TODO: add stuff to RTU
rtu_hp_i => rtu_rsp_i(i).hp, --'0', -- TODO: add stuff to RTU
rtu_drop_i => rtu_rsp_i(i).drop,
rtu_prio_i => rtu_rsp_i(i).prio(c_prio_width - 1 downto 0),
......@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ architecture rtl of xswc_core is
--: output traffic shaper (PAUSE + time-aware-shaper)
ots_output_mask_i => ots2ob_output_masks(i),
ots_output_drop_at_rx_hp_i=> '0',
ots_output_drop_at_rx_hp_i=> shaper_drop_at_hp_ena_i,
-- pWB : output (goes to the Endpoint)
......@@ -514,7 +514,12 @@ begin -- behavoural
hp_prio_mask <= (others => '0');
if(pta_transfer_data_valid_i = '1' and pta_hp_i = '1') then
hp_prio_mask <= write_array or hp_prio_mask;
hp_prio_mask <= hp_prio_mask or write_array ; -- add to mask
elsif(pta_transfer_data_valid_i = '1' and pta_hp_i = '0') then
if((hp_prio_mask and write_array) /= zeros) then -- we recognzie nonHP queu as HP
-- remove from hp_prio_mask
hp_prio_mask <= hp_prio_mask and (not write_array);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ class CSimDrv_TATSU;
task drop_at_HP_enable();
uint64_t tmp; + `ADDR_TATSU_TCR, tmp, 4);
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_TATSU_TSR0, tmp | `TATSU_TCR_DROP_ENA);
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_TATSU_TCR, tmp | `TATSU_TCR_DROP_ENA);
$display("TATSU: enable drop at HP");
task drop_at_HP_disable();
uint64_t tmp; + `ADDR_TATSU_TCR, tmp, 4);
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_TATSU_TSR0, tmp & ~(`TATSU_TCR_DROP_ENA));
m_acc.write(m_base + `ADDR_TATSU_TCR, tmp & ~(`TATSU_TCR_DROP_ENA));
$display("TATSU: disable drop at HP");
......@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ module main;
integer g_LACP_scenario = 0;
integer g_traffic_shaper_scenario = 0;
integer g_enable_WRtime = 0;
integer g_tatsu_config = 0;
int lacp_df_hp_id = 0;
int lacp_df_br_id = 2;
int lacp_df_un_id = 1;
......@@ -486,7 +488,7 @@ module main;
* we kill port 1 (backup) (DOWN) and then revivie it (UP) and then kill port 0 (active)
* the killing of port 1 happens during reception of frame... problem
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b000000000000000111;
g_tru_enable = 1;
......@@ -949,7 +951,7 @@ module main;
g_min_pck_gap = 800; // cycles
g_max_pck_gap = 800; // cycles
g_pause_mode = 2;
g_enable_WRtime = 1;
// tx ,rx ,opt
trans_paths[0] = '{0 ,17 , 900 };
trans_paths[1] = '{1 ,16 , 901 };
......@@ -979,6 +981,7 @@ module main;
trans_paths[2] = '{2 ,15 , 205 };
g_traffic_shaper_scenario = 2;
g_enable_WRtime = 1;
......@@ -1003,13 +1006,15 @@ module main;
* output drop at HP - testing
// /*
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b000000000000000111;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
repeat_number = 20;
tries_number = 1;
g_force_payload_size = 300;
g_tatsu_config = 1;
mac_br = 1;
// g_min_pck_gap = 100; // cycles
// g_max_pck_gap = 100; // cycles
// tx ,rx ,opt
......@@ -1018,7 +1023,32 @@ module main;
trans_paths[2] = '{2 ,15 , 206 };
/** *************************** test scenario 32 ************************************* **/
/** *************************** (problematic) ************************************* **/
* testing switch over for TRU->eRSTP
* we kill port 1 (backup) (DOWN) and then revivie it (UP) and then kill port 0 (active)
* the killing of port 1 happens during reception of frame... problem
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b000000000000000111;
g_tru_enable = 1;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 1; // 1=TRUE, 0=FALSE
g_min_pck_gap = 300; // cycles
g_max_pck_gap = 300; // cycles
g_failure_scenario = 6;
g_active_port = 0;
g_backup_port = 1;
// tx ,rx ,opt
trans_paths[0] = '{0 ,17 , 4 };
trans_paths[1] = '{1 ,16 , 4 };
trans_paths[2] = '{2 ,15 , 4 };
repeat_number = 30;
tries_number = 1;
......@@ -1634,9 +1664,11 @@ module main;
cpu_acc.write('h10304, (1<<3));
// pps_gen for time code for Time-Aware Traffic Shaper
cpu_acc.write('h10500, (1<<1)); // enable pps_gen counter
cpu_acc.write('h1051c, (1<<2)); // tm_valid HIGH
if(g_enable_WRtime == 1)
cpu_acc.write('h10500, (1<<1)); // enable pps_gen counter
cpu_acc.write('h1051c, (1<<2)); // tm_valid HIGH
init_ports(ports, cpu_acc);
......@@ -1735,6 +1767,9 @@ module main;
tatsu=new(cpu_acc, 'h58000);
if(g_tatsu_config == 1)
if(g_traffic_shaper_scenario == 1)
......@@ -1838,7 +1873,16 @@ module main;
$display(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> links 0 & 4 down <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
if(g_failure_scenario == 6)
ep_ctrl[0] = 'b0;
ep_ctrl[4] = 'b0;
$display(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> links 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
join_none; //
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