Commit 8624ba6b authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[top] update of ip_cores + version in bare_top

parent 185746cf
wr-cores @ 06fdd034
Subproject commit f6bed2462d3f6b8beb937ca545cd8ee45b932161
Subproject commit 06fdd03444f06c990039493062bbaa91deff7ad1
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ end scb_top_bare;
architecture rtl of scb_top_bare is
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"16_11_13_05"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"04_02_14_00"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_NUM_WB_SLAVES : integer := 16;
constant c_NUM_PORTS : integer := g_num_ports;
constant c_MAX_PORTS : integer := 18;
......@@ -1296,20 +1296,20 @@ begin
end generate gen_8P_out_blk_states;
----------------------------- dbg_id1
TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat;
TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).adr(1 downto 0);
TRIG0(1)( 18) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack;
TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat; -- 0 -15
TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).adr(1 downto 0); -- 16-17
TRIG0(1)( 18) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack; -- 17
-- TRIG0(1)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG0(1)(28 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_tx_pcs_rd_array(7);-- pcs new
-- TRIG0(1)( 28) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;
TRIG0(1)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).cyc;
TRIG0(1)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).stb;
TRIG0(1)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).stall;
TRIG0(1)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).cyc; -- 29
TRIG0(1)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).stb; -- 30
TRIG0(1)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).stall; -- 31
TRIG1(1)(21 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(63 downto 42); -- tx_path
TRIG1(1)(21 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(63 downto 42); -- tx_path: 32 - 53
TRIG1(1)(31 downto 22) <= ep_dbg_tx_pcs_wr_array(7); -- pcs new: pcs tx write to FIFO
TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path
TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(41 downto 30); -- tx_path : 64- 75
TRIG2(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(1)( 30) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(1)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;--phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
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