Commit 932845fb authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[testing->hang] the case when it hangs

parent 069fc156
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.ALL; -- for UNIFORM, TRUNC functions
library work;
use work.swc_swcore_pkg.all;
......@@ -401,13 +402,33 @@ begin -- syn
end process;
p_arbitrate : process(clk_i)
-- p_arbitrate : process(clk_i)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- if rst_n_i = '0'then
-- arb_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
p_arbitrate : process(clk_i)
variable seed1, seed2 : positive; -- Seed values for random generator
variable rand : real; -- Random real-number value in range 0 to 1.0
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0'then
arb_grant <= (others => '0');
f_rr_arbitrate(arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant);
UNIFORM(seed1, seed2, rand);
if(rand < 0.05) then
f_rr_arbitrate(arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant);
arb_grant <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
......@@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@ module main;
* snake !!!!!!!!!!!!! (need to uncomment/commeent)
initial begin
// mask , fid , prio,has_p,overr, drop , vid, valid
......@@ -2765,12 +2765,12 @@ module main;
g_is_qvlan = 0;
g_ignore_rx_test_check = 1;
g_simple_allocator_unicast_check = 1;
g_do_vlan_config = 2; // snake EP configuration (tagging proper VLANs on ports
g_set_untagging = 2; // untagging*/
g_set_untagging = 2; // untagging
/** *************************** test scenario 81 ************************************* **/
* snake -> check all sizes of frames
......@@ -2823,15 +2823,49 @@ module main;
g_set_untagging = 2; // untagging
/** *************************** test scenario 81 ************************************* **/
* send frames from port 0 to 1:
* - vlan on ports 0 & 1
* - tag/untagg
* - send broadcast
* - enable FastForward for broadcast
* -
initial begin
portUnderTest = 18'b000000000000000011;
// tx ,rx ,opt
trans_paths[0] = '{0 ,1 , 1 };
trans_paths[1] = '{1 ,0 , 1 };
repeat_number = 10000;
tries_number = 1;
g_enable_pck_gaps = 0;
g_force_payload_size = 249-18; // header = 14 bytes | CRC = 4 bytes
sim_vlan_tab[ 0] = '{'{32'hFFFFFFFF, 8'h0 , 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 0, 1'b1 };
sim_vlan_tab[ 1] = '{'{32'h00000003, 8'h1 , 3'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0}, 1, 1'b1 };
g_do_vlan_config = 2; // snake EP configuration (tagging proper VLANs on ports
rx_forward_on_fmatch_full = 1;
mac_br = 1;
mac_single = 1;
g_is_qvlan = 0;
g_do_vlan_config = 2; // snake EP configuration (tagging proper VLANs on ports
g_set_untagging = 2; // untagging
// always #2.66ns clk_swc_mpm_core <=~clk_swc_mpm_core;
always #4.2ns clk_swc_mpm_core <=~clk_swc_mpm_core;
always #2.66ns clk_swc_mpm_core <=~clk_swc_mpm_core;
// always #3.11ns clk_swc_mpm_core <=~clk_swc_mpm_core;
// always #4.2ns clk_swc_mpm_core <=~clk_swc_mpm_core;
always #8ns clk_sys <= ~clk_sys;
always #8ns clk_ref <= ~clk_ref;
......@@ -3234,20 +3268,7 @@ module main;
// `ifdef `snake_test
) DUT (
// `else
// scb_top_sim_svwrap
// scb_snake_sim_svwrap
// #(
// .g_num_ports(g_num_ports)
// ) DUT (
......@@ -3259,6 +3280,19 @@ module main;
// .ep_ctrl_i(ep_ctrl),
// .ep_failure_type(ep_failure_type)
// );
// `else
) DUT (
// `endif
......@@ -3779,7 +3813,7 @@ module main;
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_single(0/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h1150cafebabe /*MAC*/);
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_single(1/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h111111111111 /*MAC*/);
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_single(2/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h0180C200000F /*MAC*/);
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_single(2/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h0150cafebabe /*MAC*/);
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_single(3/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h0050cafebabe /*MAC*/);
rtu.rx_add_ff_mac_range (0/*ID*/,1/*valid*/,'h0050cafebabe /*MAC_lower*/,'h0850cafebabe/*MAC_upper*/);
// rtu.rx_set_port_mirror ('h00000002 /*mirror_src_mask*/,'h00000080 /*mirror_dst_mask*/,1/*rx*/,1/*tx*/);
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