Commit 9f5b9c13 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

swcore: eliminated bug in input_block which caused page loss

parent d332fa8c
......@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ begin -- syn
-- one allocator/deallocator for all ports
ALLOC_CORE : swc_page_allocator_new -- tom's new allocator
--ALLOC_CORE : swc_page_allocator
--ALLOC_CORE : swc_page_allocator_new -- tom's new allocator
ALLOC_CORE : swc_page_allocator
generic map (
g_num_pages => c_swc_packet_mem_num_pages,
g_page_addr_bits => c_swc_page_addr_width,
......@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ begin -- syn
elsif(was_reset = '1') then
if(first_addr = '1') then
--l0_wr_data <= (others => '1');
l0_wr_data <= x"fffffffe"; -- tom
l0_wr_data <= (others => '1');
--l0_wr_data <= x"fffffffe"; -- tom
l0_wr <= '1';
first_addr <= '0';
elsif(l0_wr_addr = ones) then
......@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ type t_write_state is (S_IDLE,
-- interpck page allocation in advance
signal interpck_page_in_advance : std_logic;
signal interpck_page_in_advance_d0: std_logic;
signal interpck_page_in_advance_d1: std_logic;
signal interpck_pageaddr : std_logic_vector(c_swc_page_addr_width - 1 downto 0);
signal interpck_page_alloc_req : std_logic;
signal interpck_usecnt_req : std_logic;
......@@ -826,7 +828,9 @@ begin --arch
if(mpm_pagereq = '0' and -- not setting yet new page
mpm_pageend_i = '1' and -- detecting info from MPM: new page needed
interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then -- we have a spare page allocated
interpck_page_in_advance = '1')then -- we have a spare page allocated
-- interpck_page_in_advance = '1' and -- we have a spare page allocated
-- flush_sig = '0') then -- if there is flush, no need for next page (now !!!)
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
......@@ -891,6 +895,7 @@ begin --arch
-- Of course, this is the case only if the pck finished while pgend request HIGH
if(interpck_page_in_advance = '1') then
--if(interpck_page_in_advance_d0 = '1' and interpck_page_in_advance_d1 = '0') then
if(transfering_pck = '1') then
write_state <= S_STUCK_WITH_DATA;
......@@ -900,8 +905,8 @@ begin --arch
start_transfer <= '1';
mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
mpm_pagereq <= '1';
-- mpm_pageaddr <= interpck_pageaddr;
-- mpm_pagereq <= '1';
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
......@@ -1333,8 +1338,13 @@ begin --arch
interpck_page_in_advance <= '0';
need_pckstart_usecnt_set <= '0';
need_interpck_usecnt_set <= '0';
interpck_page_in_advance_d0<= '0';
interpck_page_in_advance_d1<= '0';
interpck_page_in_advance_d0<= interpck_page_in_advance;
interpck_page_in_advance_d1<= interpck_page_in_advance_d0;
if(mpm_pckstart = '1') then
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