Commit c58c6046 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[swcore/mpm] problems wtih keeping timing by RR arbiter->replaces by crude…

[swcore/mpm] problems wtih keeping timing by RR arbiter->replaces by crude arbitration: shiftbuffer->merry goes around -> wroks
parent e46311d7
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ architecture rtl of mpm_read_path is
type t_rport_core_state_array is array(integer range <>) of t_rport_core_state;
type t_rport_io_state_array is array(integer range <>) of t_rport_io_state;
signal mem_req, mem_grant : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal mem_req, mem_grant, mem_grant_sreg : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal ll_req, ll_grant : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal io : t_rport_io_state_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
......@@ -235,25 +235,42 @@ begin -- rtl
end generate gen_serialize_ios;
-- The actual round-robin arbiter for muxing memory accesses.
--p_mem_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
-- if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
-- if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
-- mem_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(mem_req, mem_grant, mem_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
--end process;
U_Mem_Arbiter: gc_rr_arbiter
generic map (
g_size => g_num_ports)
port map (
clk_i => clk_core_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n_core_i,
req_i => mem_req,
grant_o => mem_grant);
-- p_mem_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
-- if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
-- mem_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(mem_req, mem_grant, mem_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
-- U_Mem_Arbiter: gc_rr_arbiter
-- generic map (
-- g_size => g_num_ports)
-- port map (
-- clk_i => clk_core_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n_core_i,
-- req_i => mem_req,
-- grant_o => mem_grant);
p_mem_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
mem_grant <= (others => '0');
mem_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-1 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
mem_grant_sreg(0) <= '1';
-- spartan arbieter
mem_grant_sreg <= mem_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-2 downto 0) & mem_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-1); -- shift
mem_grant <= mem_grant_sreg and mem_req;
end if;
end if;
end process;
gen_mux_inputs : for i in 0 to g_num_ports-1 generate
rd_mux_a_in(c_fbm_addr_width * (i + 1) - 1 downto c_fbm_addr_width * i) <= core(i).fbm_addr;
......@@ -328,17 +345,17 @@ begin -- rtl
-- logic_rst_n_core(i) <= rst_n_core_i and (not rport_abort_i(i)) and (not rport_abort_d(i));
end generate gen_fifos;
-- The arbiter for accessing the linked list
--p_ll_arbiter : process(clk_io_i)
-- if rising_edge(clk_io_i) then
-- if rst_n_io_i = '0' then
-- ll_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(ll_req, ll_grant, ll_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
--end process;
--The arbiter for accessing the linked list
-- p_ll_arbiter : process(clk_io_i)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk_io_i) then
-- if rst_n_io_i = '0' then
-- ll_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(ll_req, ll_grant, ll_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
gen_ll_access_arbiter : for i in 0 to g_num_ports-1 generate
ll_req(i) <= io(i).ll_req ; --and not io(i).ll_grant;
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ architecture rtl of mpm_write_path is
signal wport : t_mpm_write_port_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal arb_req, arb_grant : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant_sreg : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal wr_mux_a_in : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports * c_fbm_addr_width -1 downto 0);
signal wr_mux_d_in : std_logic_vector(g_num_ports * c_fbm_data_width -1 downto 0);
......@@ -188,27 +188,43 @@ begin -- rtl
end generate gen_input_arbiter_ios;
U_RR_Arbiter: gc_rr_arbiter
generic map (
g_size => g_num_ports)
port map (
clk_i => clk_core_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n_core_i,
req_i => arb_req,
grant_o => arb_grant);
-- U_RR_Arbiter: gc_rr_arbiter
-- generic map (
-- g_size => g_num_ports)
-- port map (
-- clk_i => clk_core_i,
-- rst_n_i => rst_n_core_i,
-- req_i => arb_req,
-- grant_o => arb_grant);
-- The actual round-robin arbiter.
-- p_input_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
-- if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
-- arb_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
p_input_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
arb_grant <= (others => '0');
arb_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-1 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
arb_grant_sreg(0) <= '1';
-- spartan arbieter
arb_grant_sreg <= arb_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-2 downto 0) & arb_grant_sreg(g_num_ports-1); -- shift
arb_grant <= arb_grant_sreg and arb_req;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- -- The actual round-robin arbiter.
--p_input_arbiter : process(clk_core_i)
-- if rising_edge(clk_core_i) then
-- if rst_n_core_i = '0' then
-- arb_grant <= (others => '0');
-- else
-- f_rr_arbitrate(arb_req, arb_grant, arb_grant);
-- end if;
-- end if;
--end process;
-- write side address counter. Calculates the address of the entry in the F.B. Memory
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