Commit e58f99dd authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

swcore[new mpm]: bugfix in asynchronous MPM (dreq=LOW on the one but last word…

swcore[new mpm]: bugfix in asynchronous MPM (dreq=LOW on the one but last word caused readout problem and dlast to be HIGH when dvalid=LOW while not yet the last word)
parent d3327d3b
......@@ -177,8 +177,12 @@ begin -- behavioral
pf_fbm_addr_o <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(fetch_pg_addr) * to_unsigned(c_lines_per_page, c_page_lines_width), pf_fbm_addr_o'length));
pf_pg_lines_o <= std_logic_vector(fetch_pg_lines);
counters_equal <= '1' when (words_total = words_xmitted) else '0';
-- ML (bugfix: dreq=LOW on one but last word caused readout problem and dlast to be HIGH
-- when dvalid=LOW and not yet the last word)
--counters_equal <= '1' when (words_total = words_xmitted) else '0';
counters_equal <= '1' when (words_total = words_xmitted and rport_dreq_i = '1') else '0';
-- ML
p_count_words : process(clk_io_i)
if rising_edge(clk_io_i) then
......@@ -213,6 +217,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
df_rd_int <= rport_dreq_i and not (df_empty_i or d_last_int);
df_rd_o <= df_rd_int;
p_gen_d_valid : process(clk_io_i)
......@@ -222,14 +227,16 @@ begin -- behavioral
d_valid_int <= '0';
d_valid_int <= df_rd_int;
d_valid_int <= df_rd_int;
end if;
end if;
end process;
df_flush_o <= d_last_int;-- counters_equal;
rport_dvalid_o <= d_valid_int;
rport_dlast_o <= d_last_int;
rport_d_o <= df_d_i;
rport_dsel_o <= saved_dsel when d_last_int = '1' else (others => '1');
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