Commit fda2775f authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

swcore: input_block: handling status=error

parent f32b8c9f
......@@ -378,6 +378,8 @@ type t_write_state is (S_IDLE,
signal rtu_data_read_by_write_process : std_logic;
signal mask_eof: std_logic;
signal waiting_for_error_handling : std_logic;
-- Function which calculates number of 1's in a vector
......@@ -530,7 +532,7 @@ begin --arch
in_pck_sof <= snk_cyc_int and not snk_cyc_d0; -- detecting the beginning of the pck
in_pck_dvalid <= snk_stb_int and snk_we_int and snk_cyc_int and not snk_stall_int; -- valid data which can be stored into FIFO
in_pck_eof <= snk_cyc_d0 and not snk_cyc_int; -- detecting the end of the pck
in_pck_eof <= snk_cyc_d0 and not snk_cyc_int ; -- detecting the end of the pck
in_pck_err <= '1' when in_pck_dvalid = '1' and -- we have valid data *and*
(snk_adr_int = c_WRF_STATUS) and -- the address indicates status *and*
(f_unmarshall_wrf_status(snk_dat_int).error = '1') else -- the status indicates error
......@@ -547,11 +549,11 @@ begin --arch
b"10" when (in_pck_err = '1') else -- error on input
b"11" when (in_pck_eof = '1') else -- last word or dummy after last word
mask_eof <= '0' when (write_state = S_PERROR) else '1';
fifo_wr <= (in_pck_dvalid or -- valid data from pWB
(in_pck_eof and mask_eof)) and -- we want to write dummy EOF, but not when there is an error
not fifo_full; -- FIFO can accept data
fifo_wr <= (in_pck_dvalid or -- valid data from pWB
(in_pck_eof and (not mask_eof))) and -- we want to write dummy EOF, but not when there is an error
not fifo_full; -- FIFO can accept data
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width - 1 downto 0) <= snk_dat_int;
fifo_data_in(c_swc_data_width + 2 -1 downto c_swc_data_width) <= snk_adr_int;
......@@ -570,6 +572,8 @@ begin --arch
stall_after_err<= '0';
fifo_clean <= '0';
snk_cyc_d0 <= '0';
mask_eof <= '0';
waiting_for_error_handling <= '0';
......@@ -586,6 +590,19 @@ begin --arch
-- generating ack
snk_ack_int <= snk_cyc_int and snk_stb_int and snk_we_int and not snk_stall_int;
if(in_pck_err = '1') then
mask_eof <= '1';
elsif( in_pck_eof = '1') then
mask_eof <= '0';
end if;
if(in_pck_err = '1') then
waiting_for_error_handling <='1';
elsif(tx_rerror = '1') then
waiting_for_error_handling <='0';
end if;
-- if there is error and the input is stopped,
fifo_clean <= '0';
tx_rerror <= '0';
......@@ -845,7 +862,7 @@ begin --arch
start_transfer <= '1';
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01") then
if(write_ctrl_out = b"01" and waiting_for_error_handling = '0') then
write_state <= S_NEW_PCK_IN_FIFO;
write_state <= S_IDLE;
......@@ -1224,8 +1241,10 @@ begin --arch
rtu_rsp_ack <= '0';
if(rtu_data_read_by_write_process = '1') then
-- TODO: potential problem if we can confuse RTU decisions if
-- the error occures at the end of the pck, and the new decision is there
if(rtu_data_read_by_write_process = '1' or tx_rerror = '1') then
rcv_rtu_state <= S_IDLE;
end if;
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