• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    snmp library: add version items to MIB and code (now fake) · 8c75e089
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    Version items are now fake strings, as I still miss the code
    that reads if from the device.  But they work, and the mib is
       tornado% snmpwalk -c public -v 2c -m +`pwd`/WR-SWITCH-MIB.txt wrs \
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionSw.0 = STRING:  fake-v4.0-rc1
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionGw1.0 = STRING: fake-7cce708
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionGw2.0 = STRING: fake-5118070
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionGw3.0 = STRING: fake-7efeb16
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionHw1.0 = STRING: fake-3.30
       WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsVersionHw2.0 = STRING: fake-LX240T
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
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