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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    userspace: some clean-up of wrs-boot-procedure · 23323d78
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    I was bored by repeated file names, so this uses WRS_KER and other
    variables to host the "magic" name.
    Similarly, the use of "-old" was inconsistent, and this uses the
    same pattern for all files. Actually, it should be a function
    to avoid repetitions. But I'm lazy and it is not.
    The upgrade we may do now is by placing files in /update, with
    magic names:
        - wrs-firmware.tar: is *must* include wrs-usr.tar.gz, because
          if this file exists /usr is recreated from scratch.
             - it may include zImage, wrs-initramfs.gz, barebox.bin
    	 (this happens in released firmware files, so the boot loader
    	 is being written twice, until we get rid of the sam-ba tools)
        - zImage: if present, the kernel is replaced
        - wrs-initramfs.gz: if present, the initramfs is replaced
        - barebox.bin: if presente, the boot loader is replaced
    This means, in practice, that you may change the whole system or one
    part at a time.  I suppose only we developers will use the "one part
    at a time".
    But the most important change is that barebox.bin is being replaced
    during boot.  In v4.0 we didn't expect to ever replace barebox, but
    then we found we needed it -- so let's provide for further updates.
    OTOH at91boot is not replaced, and it is not expected to, ever.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>