• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    snmp library: fill the ppsi information to be exported · 7341a626
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This fills the information by parsing the output of "wr_mon -g"
    and "wr_mon -p".
    Parsing is data-struct driven, and the strings must match the one
    printed by wr_mon. If they don't a log message is generated:
       18:02:54 192 snmpd[1468]: wrs_ppsi_parse_line: can't find key "seource:"
    To test, you can export WRS_SNMP_MON_FNAME and WRS_SNMP_MON_FNAME_P to
    name two text files that can be opened instead of a pipe from wr_mon.
    A problem with COUNTER64 remains, but it is a bug in netsnmp. See next
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
wrsSnmp.h 2.06 KB