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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    userspace/hal: reorder the main loop, no actual change · 5dfaba0c
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    Every two months I've been wondering what this 100%-cpu main loop
    was, to later acknowledge it was not really 100%.
    This commit reorders items and makes it clear where the delay is.
    I tried raising it to 100ms from 25ms, but the cpu load of wrsw_hal
    didn't change, because most of the time we return to the main
    loop before the timeout, due to an RPC call being served.
    In my opinion we should add a check in the main loop, to call
    port_update_all only 10 times per second, to actually
    lower the CPU load of this process.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>