• Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    softpll-unify: linker script changes (no effect on rt_cpu.bin) · df1120d6
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    The commit is part of the effort in unifying softpll with wrpc-sw,
    and later remove the duplicated code here in wr-switch-sw.
    This applies the effect of the following wrpc-sw commits, limited
    to arch/lm32.
       583ab27 build: move libs from ldscript to LDFLAGS
       a502f9d arch/lm32/ram.ld: provide mprintf if missing
       394d140 general: add copyright notes
    Additionally, it copies over crt0.S and debug.S from wrpc-sw;
    but the only change is white space.
    Now the only remaining difference in arch/ is the linker script.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
debug.S 9.54 KB