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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    userspace: remove at91 headers · e6495ad0
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    The files in userspace/include/at91 were not used.
    Some were straight copies for linux headers, so including
    <mach/at91_pio.h> instead of <at91/at91_pio.h> makes our copy
    irrelevant.  This means both the hal and rtud must include from
    $LINUX, but this was already a requirement for other userspace stuff.
    The Makefiles are now fixed to do that.
    at91sam9g45.h was only used for AT91C_BASE_SYS, which is no more.
    This is trivially 4k-before-the-end, to mmap the end page.  We were
    already defining AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW to the exact same value (only,
    AT91C_BASE_SYS was a pointer to structure), so the header could go as
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>