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  • anne munoz's avatar
    www: Changed enpointconfiguration table · 3cec2c32
    anne munoz authored and Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek committed
    I saw that in the endpointconfiguration.php you relay a lot on an order of parameters. In other words the following line will be displayed correctly:
    but not when I swap an order of parameters:
    I'm asking you for that because there are three more new parameters that are optional:
          "ext" (extension) can be one of the following:
            - WR - use White Rabbit as an extension on this port (default if not present)
            - none - no extension on this port
          "dm" (delay mechanism) can be one of the following:
            - e2e - end to end (default if not present)
            - p2p - peer to peer
          "monitor" option to disable ("n") or enable ("y") triggering errors in SNMP on a port; "y" by default
    NOW: it allows to change the order and dropdown menu in several parameters