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  • Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    [HAL] Add global (to all ports) structure for LPDC and use it · 452289c4
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    - for tx setup, we need to do some stuff for only one port and
      we need to do other stuff when all ports are calibrated, yet
      we need to know this global information when executing on a
    - Added structure to the hal_ports_t that is pointed to from
      each port that supports LPDC. This structure is then updated
      and checked.
    - use this stucture to do the following:
      * execute update of _pll_state only when hal_port_fsm_tx is
        executed on the first port that supports LPDC (it does not
        need to be port with index 0)
      * execute writing configuration file when all LPDC-supporting
        port has finished the tx_setup