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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    userspace: lib and hal: use new dot-config instead of sfp-database.conf · 9bb39e98
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This commit uses dot-config (previous commit), in exactly the same way
    as previous code. No change in behaviour is there, as confirmed by
    looking at shared memory values.
    However, the alpha value is not part of the SFP definition any more,
    but it is part of the fiber type (later commits).  So it is currently
    hardwired in the code, matching previous config values.
    The data structures are slightly changed, so the version in shared memory
    is increased too.  wrs_dump_shmem is updated at the same time
    and ppsi is updated to get the new headers.
    As a side effect, this uses calloc() instead of malloc(), and sets a
    sensible (though unused) value in the "flags" field of the sfp data.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>