Commit 121fd855 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

doc: document RPC in the developer's manual

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 3a28108e
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@setchapternewpage off
@set update-month October 2014
@set update-month Novembre 2014
@c the release name below is substituted at build time
@set release __RELEASE_GIT_ID__
......@@ -1510,6 +1510,144 @@ For further details on the update procedure, please see
@t{/etc/init.d/wrs-boot-procedure} (in the source archive it is
distributed in @t{userspace/rootfs_override/}.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Inter-Process Comnunication
@chapter Inter-Process Communication
This chapter described the network of IPC/RPC communications that are
active inside the switch.
@c ==========================================================================
@node mini-rpc
@section mini-rpc
Inter-process communication in the WR switch is based on remote
procedure calls (RPC), relying on the @i{mini-rpc} package.
The package is a submodule, currently at this commit:
4c87062d userspace/mini-rpc (v1.0-4-g4c87062)
@end smallexample
The library is documented in its own doc/ directory. The basic
idea is that an RPC server exports stuff through a Unix socket;
the library can return the file descriptor to be used for @i{select}/@i{poll}
and all RPC is handled by calling a specific function. The client
connects to the server and makes function calls using a library helper.
Each procedure being exported is described by a structure, that lists
the number and types of all arguments and the return type of the
function. This is, unfortunately, heavier than we initially expected.
If you are studying the code and making sense of the RPC calls,
the important things to look for are @t{struct minipc_pd} (procedure
definition), @t{minipc_server_create}, @t{minipc_client_create}. To see
what procedure are exported, look for the function @t{minipc_export}.
As a special case, the RPC mechanism can happen over shared memory;
this is how the user-space programs can interact with the soft-pll
(the so-called @i{rt subsystem}).
The library is built from a @i{git} submodule in
@t{userspace/mini-rpc}. Previous versions of this package included
more copies of the library: one within @i{ptp-noposix} and a subset in
@i{rt/ipc}. Since version 4.1 (Oct 2014) of @i{wr-switch-sw} we
stopped supporting @i{ptp-noposix}, and the @i{rt} subsystem is built
from @i{wrpc-sw} since version 4.0 (Aug 2014).
@c ==========================================================================
@node RPC Sockets and Communication
@section RPC Sockets and Communication
This section describes the network of RPC calls that exist in the
whitre rabbir switch.
First, @t{rtud} creates a socket with name @t{rtud}
which is only used by @t{rtu_stat}, to
Other RPC servers are created in the following places:
@table @code
@item userspace/wrsw_rtud/rtud_exports.c
The socket is called @t{rtud} and is used by the @i{rtu_stat}
program to gather runtime information, and by @i{wrs_vlans}
to request actual actions.
@item userspace/ppsi/arch-wrs/wrs-startup.c
The @t{ptpd} channel is created to report PTP status information.
@item userspace/wrsw_hal/hal_exports.c
This channel is called @t{wrsw_hal} but the code uses is through
the macro @t{WRSW_HAL_SERVER_ADDR}.
@item wrpc-sw::ipc/rt_ipc.c
This is a memory-mapped channel, at address 0x10007000
@end table
Clients are created in the following places:
@table @code
@item userspace/tools/rtu_stat.c
The tool connects to @i{rtud} to get runtime information.
@item userspace/tools/wrs_vlans.c
@t{wrs_vlans} connects to the @i{rtud} to ask for configuration
actions related to vlan setup.
@item userspace/wrsw_hal/hal_exports.c
A temporary client is created to check whether a HAL process
is already running.
@item userspace/wrsw_hal/rt_client.c
The hal connects to the @i{rt} subsystem to control the
@item userspace/tools/wr_mon.c
The tty-based monitoring interface connects to @i{ptpd} (@i{ppsi})
to get run-time information.
To be verified. (FIXME)
@item userspace/libwr/hal_client.c
The library allows connecting to the HAL socket to ask
for various actions (all librarized). The function
@t{halexp_client_try_connect()} is called directly by
@i{rtud} and through @t{halexp_client_init} by @i{rtu_stat},
@i{wr_phytool}, @i{wr_mon} and @i{wr_management}.
@end table
Functions exported by the HAL and PTP are defined in two headers:
@t{hal_exports.h} and @t{ptpd_exports.h}. The former exists
in two places, because @i{ppsi} is a separate package; the two
are identical and are expected to remain so. Same applies to @t{rt_ipc.h},
which appears both here and in @i{wrpc-sw}.
@c FIXME: check the headers...
@c ==========================================================================
@node The RT Subsystem
@section The RT Subsystem
The in-FPGA processor running the real-time subsystem of the switch
is using a shared memory connection for communication. The details
are documented in the @t{mini-rpc} manual. Only the hal process
sends commands to the @t{rt} subsystem.
@c ##########################################################################
@node SDB and Hardware Information
@chapter SDB and Hardware Information
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