Commit 1b2ec569 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

build_buildroot: prevent -j for make-3.82 and later

parent b807a613
......@@ -38,7 +38,14 @@ fi
cp $CFG .config
sed -i /^BR2_JLEVEL/d .config
echo "BR2_JLEVEL=$WRS_MAKE_J_NUMBER" >> .config
# make 3.82 splits the work differently, and compilation fails. So no -j
makefails=$(make -v | awk 'NR==1 {if ($NF > 3.81) print "fail"}')
if [ "x$makefails" = "xfail" ]; then
echo "BR2_JLEVEL=1" >> .config
# Actually, it seems it fails anyways. I give up and document the issue
echo "BR2_JLEVEL=$WRS_MAKE_J_NUMBER" >> .config
# apply any pending patches
wrs_echo "Patching buildroot"
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