Commit 3244725b authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

flash-wrs: erase nand memory before write on it

Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 993b3017
# A script to ease the use of the usb loader, possibly changing the mac address
# Authors:
# Authors:
# - Benoit Rat (Seven Solutions,
# - Federico Vaga
# - Alessandro Rubini
# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
......@@ -262,6 +263,9 @@ cd ..
fakeroot bash $TMPSCRIPT
# Erase all nand memory
${WRS_BASE_DIR}/usb-loader/mch_flasher -e -m nand
# Start nand flashing procedure
${WRS_BASE_DIR}/usb-loader/mch_flasher -m ddr $FLAGS $DEV ${Tbarebox} 0x0 ${kernel} 0x1000000 ${TMPCPIO} 0x1FFFFF8
rm -rf $TMPFS
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