Commit 8248034a authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

silly patch for hal

parent 866dc42d
......@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ static int port_tx_setup_fsm_state_measure_phase(fsm_t *fsm, int eventMsk, int i
// txSetup->attempts, txSetup->expected_phase, txSetup->tolerance);
if(_within_range(phase, phase_min, phase_max, 16000)) {
pr_info("FIX port %d phase %d after %d attempts "
"(temp = %.3f degC)\n", ps->hw_index, txSetup->measured_phase,
pr_info("FIX port %d phase %d (expected %d, delta %d) after %d attempts "
"(temp = %.3f degC)\n", ps->hw_index, txSetup->measured_phase, txSetup->expected_phase, txSetup->expected_phase - txSetup->measured_phase,
txSetup->attempts, hal_get_fpga_temperature() / 256.0);
rts_enable_ptracker(ps->hw_index, 0);
rts_enable_ptracker(ps->hw_index, 1);
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