Commit b4d2ad23 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga Committed by Alessandro Rubini update documentation ./build/wrs_build-all is not allowed

Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 48e8c745
......@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ have a similar prefix for the same reason).
subdirectory of @code{wr-switch-sw}).
The variable is internally set to the directory
name of the main script. Note that the script cannot
be run from the same directory (i.e.: @code{./wrs_build-all}
is not allowed), you must call it from your output directory
be run from the same directory or from the wr-switch-sw project
directory (i.e.: @code{./wrs_build-all} @code{./build/wrs_build-all}
are not allowed), you must call it from your output directory
using a pathname to invoke it. This variable cannot be
overridden in the main script, but must be pre-set if you run
a sub-script to rebuild only part of the software suite.
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