Commit ccdc9a56 authored by Tjeerd Pinkert's avatar Tjeerd Pinkert Committed by Adam Wujek

userspace/tools: improve wr_mon to display statistics in a more segregated way

- Help (-h) option was added.
- The tool now uses WR time to display the state every second.
- The show statistics (-s) mode was changed to display statistics in a
  segregated way.
- The -i option was added to show TIME information as second, nanosecond pair
- The -m option was added to show only the MASTER ports information
- The -s option was changed to show only the SLAVE ports information
- The -o option was added to show only the OTHER ports information
- The -e option was added to show only the SERVO information
- The -t option was added to show only the TEMPERATURE information
- The show X options can be combined, e.g. -i -t shows time and temperature
- The -a option was added to show all information (convenience option)
- The -b option was unchanged and shows the gui in black and white
- The -w option shows the WEB interface information unchanged, but the
  underlying code has been rewritten to be less of a hack.
- Toggle printing on/off (t) during display should now work.
Signed-off-by: Tjeerd Pinkert's avatarTjeerd Pinkert <>
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent c9e95e69
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