Commit d4a83f29 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

on-switch-tests/Makefile: new file, compiles libs and wr_mon

parent be6d9869
# This Makefile is based on wr-swithc-sw/userspace
# Most of the sub makefiles require some variables that used to be
# in the auto-generated ../Makedefs (when software was in svn).
# So let's add all of the needed variables here (environment can override)
LINUX ?= $(WRDEV_DIR)/software/rubi-repos/linux-wr
ARCH ?= arm
# Installation of all of this stuff goes to images/wr in the output dir
# test directories need libs, so add them here (libswitchhw is in ./userspace)
CFLAGS = -I../libs -I../libs/libwripc -I../libs/libptpnetif \
-I../../userspace/libswitchhw \
LDFLAGS = -L../libs -lwripc -lptpnetif \
-L../../userspace/libswitchhw -lswitchhw
# all variables are exported
# All targets must install as well, as later builds use headers/libs
$(MAKE) -C libs all
$(MAKE) -C wr_mon all
$(MAKE) -C libs clean
$(MAKE) -C wr_mon clean
install: all
$(MAKE) -C libs install
$(MAKE) -C wr_mon install
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