Commit ebda3588 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

doc: document new loader names

parent a9d13782
......@@ -547,13 +547,13 @@ further, the directory @i{tools} includes the following programs:
They are classic tools distributed in the @i{Linux Device Drivers}
examples since 1998.
@item load-fpga
@item load-virtex
Loads a bitstream to the Virtex6 device of the switch. The biststream
file name must be passed in the command line (@i{/dev/stdin} allowed).
The is a limit of 10MB (me lazy!), but the program complains if it
detects the limit is reached.
@item lm32-loader
@item load-lm32
Loads a program to the internal LM32 soft-cre.
@item spi-pll
......@@ -566,11 +566,14 @@ further, the directory @i{tools} includes the following programs:
The list above used to include @i{devmem2}, but now @i{devmem} is part
of the installed @i{busybox} and has the same command-line interface.
Please note that currently the @code{Makefile} is very limited. It
requires you to specify both the kernel directory (@code{LINUX=}) and
the cross-compiler to use (@code{CROSS_COMPILE=}). Similarly, you must
spell the name of the binaries on the command line. It will be fixed
and integrated in the build procedure as soon as possible.
The functions to load the fpga and the lm32 have been turned into a
library, so external programs can link @code{libtools.a}.
Please note that to compiler you need to specify both the kernel
directory (@code{LINUX=}) and the cross-compiler to use
(@code{CROSS_COMPILE=}). Moreover, the @i{tools} subdir is not
integrated in the build scripts.
@c FIXME: tools
@c ##########################################################################
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