Commit ee9933d2 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

www: force "root" username in the login menu

With release v4.2 we only have one valid user (root) to enter the www
The "www root" user also shares the passwd with "ssh root" user.
parent 242e626d
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ echo '</ul><br><hr>';
echo '<div class="login">
<form method="post" action="login.php">
<input type="text" name="login" value="" placeholder="Username" size="15">
<input type="text" name="login" value="root" placeholder="Username" size="15" readonly>
<input type="password" name="password" value="" placeholder="Password" size="15">
<!--<p class="remember_me">
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