Commit f47af42d authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

userspace/tools: removed remaining refernces to UTC

parent bbb91f38
......@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ void pps_adjustment_test(int ep, int argc, char *argv[])
ptpd_netif_sendto(sock, &to, buf, 64, &ts_tx);
int n = ptpd_netif_recvfrom(sock, &from, buf, 64, &ts_rx);
printf("TX timestamp: correct %d %12lld:%12d\n", ts_tx.correct, ts_tx.utc, ts_tx.nsec);
printf("RX timestamp: correct %d %12lld:%12d\n", ts_rx.correct, ts_rx.utc, ts_rx.nsec);
printf("TX timestamp: correct %d %12lld:%12d\n", ts_tx.correct, ts_tx.sec, ts_tx.nsec);
printf("RX timestamp: correct %d %12lld:%12d\n", ts_rx.correct, ts_rx.sec, ts_rx.nsec);
adjust_count --;
}// else printf("AdjustInProgress\n");
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