Commit 2e1c9737 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

CHANGELOG: update for v1.00

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 1797da65
......@@ -10,13 +10,20 @@ Format: `Keep a Changelog <>`_
Versioning: `Semantic Versioning <>`_
.. last_release_start::
[v1.00] - 2023-11-14
- [hdl] wr-cores: fix link degradation to PTP caused by lack of PLL lock
- [sw] ppsi: fix link degradation to PTP caused by lack of PLL lock
.. last_release_end::
[v0.20] - 2023-10-29
- [hdl] fix link degradation to PTP caused by lack of PLL lock
- [sw] ppsi: decrease timeout for PLL lock form 60 to 30seconds
.. last_release_end::
[v0.17] - 2023-01-12
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