Commit a80789ab authored by bradomyn's avatar bradomyn

testbench for decoder

parent cc9d4c04
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
-- The word, "word" is reserved for encoded data 24 bits
-- The word. "data" is reserved for non-encoded data 12 btis
entity linear_block_decoder_tb is
end linear_block_decoder_tb;
architecture behavioral of linear_block_decoder_tb is
signal clk : std_logic:= '0';
signal reset : std_logic:= '1';
signal data_in : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal decoded_out : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):=(others =>'0');
signal errorDecoded_out: std_logic:= '0';
constant period : time := 8 ns;
component linear_block_decoder
clk: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
data_in: in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
decoded_out: out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
errorDecoded_out:out std_logic
end component;
decoder_tb : linear_block_decoder
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
data_in => data_in,
decoded_out => decoded_out,
errorDecoded_out => errorDecoded_out);
clk_proc : process
clk <= '0';
wait for period/2; --for 0.5 ns signal is '0'.
clk <= '1';
wait for period/2; --for next 0.5 ns
end process;
count_proc: process
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 4, three bit error
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"54524a");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till fail, four bit error
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"54d24a");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 1, one bit error
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55725e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 1, two bit errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55f25e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 1, three bit errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"45f25e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 2, one error
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55527e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 3, two errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55537e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 3, three errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55517e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 2, two errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55127e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step 4, three errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55107e");
wait for period*8;
reset <= '1';
data_in <= (others=>'0');
wait for period;
reset <= '0';
-- error checks state machine till step fail, four errors
data_in <= to_stdlogicvector(x"55907e");
wait for period*8;
end process;
end behavioral;
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